Why Do You Walk?

There are so many reasons for lacing up our shoes and heading out for a walk. Though our lives, our challenges, our passions and our goals are unique, there is one thing most of us share—the desire to live a happy, healthy life. But what actually encourages us to lace up and go? What have we discovered about ourselves as a result of our walking practice? What keeps us going?

Recently, we asked the 99 Walks Pack “Why do you walk?,” and here are just some of their answers.

I walk for ME. It is time for myself, to clear my head, to listen to music or a book, or just to the sounds around me. Walking relaxes me and helps me focus. The rest of the day I spend teaching 6th grade kids to be better humans to others and themselves. The only stress I have when I walk is…will I trip on the sidewalk! —Sherry B., Aurora, CO

Simply because I like to walk. I’m normally by myself or with my dogs and I can let my mind wander or I can focus on the exercise. Walking is easy, customizable to any situation that I am confronted with. And I feel good about myself after a walk. —Marijo S., Helena, MT

I walk to improve my health - physical, mental, and even spiritual!  I use many of my walks as prayer walks. I love to walk outside year-round as I experience severe seasonal depression. So walking in nature to soak up some vitamin D helps my mental health. I love the feeling of being able to move my body, burn some calories, and know I’m doing something good just for me. —Kathleen D., Frankfurt, IL

My answer is pretty simple. I started walking over 10 years ago to lose weight. Now, I walk for myself. It’s my “me time.” I can feel the difference in my whole attitude about myself and life if I don’t walk. And I will admit, now that I am at a weight that I am comfortable with, walking helps me maintain that weight without worrying about every bite that goes into my mouth. But, it really is mostly time for me. —Claudette B., San Antonio, TX

I walk to improve my health.  I had bariatric surgery in July 2021, and one of the best things (besides the weight loss) is the ability to walk distances now.  I started out being lucky if I could walk 15 minutes and not even a mile in the house, and I am now up to 3.3 miles in an hour on a “regular” day and even more on a good day😀—and that’s outside with hills and such.  I am proud of myself.  Not only do my clothes fit better, I feel great! I have more energy, sleep better, etc….all those things people always told me that I didn’t believe until I did it myself.  I look forward to my walks now and feel guilty if I don’t take one! —Robin F., Drums, PA

To keep my Type 2 diabetes from coming back, for weight loss, so I can listen to my audio books without interruption, as a mental break and an excuse to get away from my desk. —Amy, Carmel, IN

I walk because stress walking is better than stress eating. I walk for physical health and mental health. I walk to enjoy nature at a slow enough pace to really get to know it, in every season, in every weather. I walk because I can. I can’t run, jog, or even skip. But I can walk. —Janet D., Normal, IL

Health, stamina, sanity.  Not necessarily in that order.  I am a classical musician.  My job requires me to sit or stand in one place for long periods of time. Having a goal helps hold me accountable to myself.  It is easy to come home and be mentally exhausted from a day of teaching and not want to move.  Knowing I have my 50 mile goal for the month gets me out there.  The more fit I can be, the longer I can keep playing my instrument without injury. —Kira B., Claremont, CA

I started walking one spring day about 8 years ago. I had talked with an old friend about music we had listened to, and a couple of concerts we had gone to together years ago. I had recently bought an iPod, so I put some old music on it, and went for a walk one day, reminiscing in my head about our friendship. I thought I'd walk about a half mile, but it was a beautiful day, so I kept going, and ended up with 4 miles. I live at the end of a dead end road in the middle of nowhere, so it's out and back, no shortcuts. The music and time alone did wonders for my head, and I have kept it up for the most part. 99 Walks keeps me going, and I always feel good instantly when I put in my music and go. —Julie M., North Branch, MN

I had forgotten to care about me for a long time and was focused on everyone else and what they needed. When I looked at myself, I didn't like or recognize what was looking back at me. I started 99 Walks back in February of 2021. I had a hard time walking just 1 mile, and pushed myself each day to do as much as I could. I never gave myself the option of no I can't. I finished last year with over 600 miles and was proud. This year I have a goal to walk 1000 miles (and hoping to do more). I have lost weight but, more importantly, I feel amazing and know I can conquer anything. 99 Walks has given me back to myself, raised my self esteem and made my depression almost non-existent. I cannot thank this program enough. My life has changed for the better. —Kalma R., New Hudson, MI

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational virtual walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

You'll find all the tools you need to be successful, including a tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community to keep you going.

Take your first step towards health and happiness, all through the simple act of walking. Try two weeks free!