9 Things to Listen to on Your Walk

We can get really good at tuning things out. The sounds of the garbage truck making their rounds, kids arguing, the leaf blower next door—somehow they can just fade into the background as we keep moving through our day. But when we go for a walk, we have the chance to reconnect with those sounds that we sometimes filter out, and embrace them as fuel for our smile, our steps, and our well-being. Next time you head out the door, listen closely. For there are many things that can connect us with all that is around us. Here are nine of our favorites:

  1. Listen to the birds. The melodic chirps and calls from our winged friends lend a song to the air and are a perfect way to ponder how animals communicate. Maybe we can learn something from them.

  2. Listen to the wind in the trees. That gentle breeze? It creates such a soothing flutter of leaves, softly filtered through the branches. The delicate sway that results is as calming as if rocking to a lullaby.

  3. Listen to a podcast. From funny to inspirational, educational to theatrical, there are a multitude of podcasts from which to choose. Find a favorite and sink in. Need a place to start? We kinda love The Weekly Walk.

  4. Listen to an audio book. Who doesn’t love a good story? Your miles will fly by as you get lost in the words of a book read out loud. Just one more chapter? You bet.

  5. Listen to the children’s laughter. There’s something so pure and delicious about the sound of children playing. It’s organic and simple and a perfect way to reconnect with the good ‘ol days.

  6. Listen to music. This may be a no-brainer, but here’s a suggestion: Create a playlist that you only listen to on your walks. Maybe it’s full of peppy tunes to keep your steps quick, or soothing favorites that ground you. And, yes, you have our permission to dance.

  7. Listen to your inner voice. Ever stopped to listen to her? Now’s the time. You might just find she’s needing a little more encouragement and a little less criticism. After all, she’s with you every step of the way, and she deserves some credit. She might even be able to lead you along the right path.

  8. Listen to the person you're with. There’s no better way to connect than walking with someone. So listen—really listen—to that person. You may just find that you’re strengthening your bond and nurturing a relationship that will last a lifetime.

  9. Listen to a walking meditation. We’re kind of partial to the sound of Coach Jillie’s voice, so she’s our go-to, and a walking meditation can be just what your mind and body needs. You’re likely to find yourself a little calmer and a lot happier after you feed your mind with a moment of positive reflection.

What else can you listen to on your walk? The choice is yours, but the options extend as far as you can imagine. And, remember, what you listen to has a tremendous impact on your day and your life, so make it good. Find what serves you. And give it a listen.

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