Lead with Love

Life is complicated. It’s full of ups and downs. Hugs and tears. Agreements and misunderstandings. How we approach each of these matters. And in each, we have a choice. We can choose to lift others up, or knock them down. We can teach or we can preach. We can assume the best in others, or we can assume the worst. This month, join us as we walk through four of our core values as a guide to always lead with love.

To start, we focus on Core Value #34: Practice kindness. Lending a hand, treating others with respect, offering smiles and gratitude, and thinking of others first are all great ways to practice kindness. And what’s even better is that kindness often radiates from you to those around you, spreading joy. You act with love.

As we go about our day-to-day lives, it’s easy to feel tired and overwhelmed, but we must always remember Core Value #40: Words are powerful and important. Choose them with care. Your words can either make someone’s day, or break it, so it’s important to find a way to communicate that gets your thoughts across but does it in a way that doesn’t harm another person. Think before you speak, put others in your shoes, and most importantly, realize when you need to say you’re sorry—and then say it. You speak with love.

One quality of a good leader is to focus on developing others. And to do that, you must follow Core Value #66: Check your ego at the door. Sure, it’s nice to get attention. To see your name in lights, and to find your name at the top of the list. But leaders want what’s best for others. You want to help others shine, and so you find a way to advise and teach so that someone else may excel. You guide with love.

And, finally, we embrace Core Value #20: Love fiercely. When you put love at the forefront of how you live your life, when you put aside judgement and embrace those around you no matter the circumstances, and when you stand up boldly and passionately for the things that you believe in, there is no question of your love. You shine with love.

This month, let’s take the steps to live in a way that shows we care. In our actions, our words, our direction, and our whole selves. This month, let’s lead with love. Together.

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