5 Tips for Moms to Focus on Self Care

As mothers, we are often the last on the list. Our days — and nights — are filled with taking care of others, Moms are responsible for keeping track of all the details, ensuring all the loose ends are tied, and juggling an endless number of tasks. All with a heart full of love and inherent desire to nurture. But even for the best of us, moms need to take some time for ourselves. To fill our cup, and nurture our own spirit. For it is through mothers that our families learn, absorbing our mental vibes and feeding off of what we give off. So this year, Bell Family Company and 99 Walks have partnered together to encourage moms to make more time for themselves with five easy and actionable steps. 

  1. Develop a Morning Routine...and Stick to It! There’s no better way to start out your day than with a few minutes focusing on yourself. A morning routine can be different for everyone, but should consist of four elements — mind, body, spirit and heart. For your mind, it may consist of reading five pages of a non-fiction book, making your to-do list for the day, or setting goals for yourself. For your body, drinking a tall glass of water or maybe a workout are great ideas. To tackle the spirit element, time walking in nature, stretching or even meditation can satisfy. And finally, your heart can be filled with thoughts of gratefulness, so get out a pen and paper and make a list of one to three things for which you’re grateful each day.

  2. Seek Help. One of the hardest things for moms to do is ask for help or outsource things your family needs, but by doing so, you can spare your sanity, as well as that of your family. This step can start with finding another mom and working out a plan to watch each other’s kids from time to time so you can get things done uninterrupted, or so you can get out for some self care. Another option is to allow Bell Family Company to help you outsource childcare by finding you the best sitters and nannies for your family.

  3. Be an Encourager. Think back to when someone reached out to you unexpectedly with words of support. We bet it gave you the boost you needed to make it through the day, and most likely put a smile on your face. But if you take the time to be the one to encourage someone else, you just might find the same result. An elevation in your mood that resonated with you throughout the day and into the lives of your family. So, take a moment each day to contact a friend or family member with an encouraging word and watch your day — and mood — soar! 

  4. Go for a Walk. 99 Walks is all about encouraging women to take time for themselves by taking an intentional walk. Getting out in nature and taking a walk can have many benefits, both physically and mentally. Not only is it good for your heart and lungs, but walking helps us clear our minds and regain focus, not to mention alleviate stress and anxiety. Walking just 30 minutes a day can have tremendous effects on your health and well-being and is the perfect way to care for yourself and your loved ones. So, plug the kiddos into the stroller, or find a half hour to step out on your own during your day and refresh your mind, body and spirit with a walk.

  5. Set Your Intentions. At the end of the day, taking a few minutes to think through the next day can be just the thing to make sure your day runs as smoothly as possible. So, go over your schedule. Set time for your morning routine, think about who you can make smile, plan out time for a walk and connection with friends and family, and determine where you can ask for help. Sure, pesky interruptions are sure to pop up, but when you set your intentions the day before, you can be certain to fit in the things most important to you and your family.

This year, make sure you plan some time for you. You are the heart of the family, and without properly caring for yourself, you can’t fully care for others. Make it a point to change the vibe of stress and anxiety to one of positivity and inspiration. Your kids and families are watching, so teach them the importance of self care. For their happiness, and most importantly, for yours.

This year, professional friends for over 10 years Lindsay Bell, owner of Bell Family Company, and Joyce Shulman, co-owner of 99 Walks, have partnered together to encourage moms to make more time for themselves. As moms themselves, they are fully aware of how women rarely put themselves at the top of the list, oftentimes hitting a wall before they stop to ask for help. Their hope is to provide much-deserving moms the knowledge and support they need to navigate the waters of motherhood as successfully for themselves as they are for their families.