9 Commonly Asked Questions by New Pack Members

Welcome, new Pack Member! We’re thrilled to have you as a part of our community and can’t wait for you to start walking your way to better. But, we know you may have some questions, so we’ve put together a list of questions and answers our new members often ask. Don’t find the answers you’re looking for? No problem. Our Pack Support Squad is here to help, so just send an email to team@99walks.fit and we’ll follow up with you right away!

  1. I’m not sure how high to set my goal. Is there a set number of miles I need to walk?

    One of the best things about 99 Walks is that each Pack Member is free to set their own goal. There are no requirements or minimums because we know everyone is different, and the work that you need to do to earn your bracelet is up to you. Some members strive to walk 1 mile each day for the month, others do more and others do less. We encourage you to set what we call “Goldilocks Goals” and have some great advice here on how to figure out the perfect goal for yourself!

  2. Where do I find House-Walking Classes?

    Great question! You have lots of classes from which to choose and we want to make sure you explore them all. On your app, tap “Classes” on the bottom navigation bar. From there, you can select Exercise, Meditation or Podcast. There you can scroll down to find House Walking, as well as Elements, Journey, Walking Empowerment, Power Fitness and all of your other walking classes! Scrolling right will show you all of the classes in each category.

  3. I took a class but my walk didn’t track. What do I do?

    The app will not automatically track your walk when you take a class. so after you hit play on the class you wish to take, you’ll also want to hit START on the Walks or Track tab of your app. Don’t forget to tap FINISH at the end of your walk, too!

  4. Yikes! I forgot to turn my walk tracker off. How do I adjust my walk?

    Yep, happens to all of us, but no worries, it’s super easy to edit or delete a walk. On your app’s main screen, “Walks” will be showing in blue. (If it is not, just tap Walks in the lower left corner). Then, tap the walk you need to update. The details of that walk will open and you can tap edit and then you can adjust the distance, start and end time. This is also the place where you can delete a walk if needed.

  5. I hit my goal by accident. How do I fix that?

    Not a problem! This can happen if your walk recorded the wrong distance like when we forget to hit FINISH at the end of our walk and then jump in the car to head home. Just tap on the walk and edit the distance — and time, if necessary. Once done, this will adjust your total miles crushed and show that you still have miles to walk to hit your goal. The next time (for real!) when you hit your goal, you’ll once again get the congratulations screen and email, and we’ll get your monthly bracelet ready to send to you!

  6. How do I change the settings from outdoor to indoor to track a House Walk or Treadmill Walk

    The app uses your phone’s GPS to track your walking, and without it, the accuracy of your tracking will suffer. So when you are walking indoors for House Walking or a Treadmill Walk, you will need to manually enter that distance into the app so those miles count toward your goal. Your treadmill should show your distance, and a fifteen-minute house walk equals about one mile, so enter one mile for every House Walk you take.

    To add a walk, tap Add Walk for iPhone users or the + symbol for Android users and manually add the info about your walk, including the distance and time duration. Make sure to select Walk Type and choose Treadmill for a Treadmill Walk or Other for a House Walk. Once all information is entered, tap Save and your walk will soon show up in your list of walks for the month!

  7. How do I find my account/billing information?

    Tap on the blue silhouette person icon in the top left corner of your Walks screen in the app to access your profile. Once there, scroll down and you will see a link to Account Management. Your account is managed based on where you signed up — from our website, from the Google Play Store or from Apple’s App Store. If you are not sure where you signed up, just shoot an email to the Pack Support Squad at team@99walks.fit for help.

  8. How do I listen to music in the app?

    Right now, music is only accessible as background music when you are taking an exercise class. When you choose a Class, you can tap on the radio icon at the top right of the screen to choose your favorite channel. Then you can use the voice and music controls to adjust the volume between the coach and your background music.

  9. Does this sync with Fitbit?

Yes! You can sync your Fitbit account with your 99 Walks app. When you track your walks on your Fitbit, you'll be able to automatically import them to the 99 Walks app and you'll be crushing your monthly goal in no time!

With a membership to 99 Walks, you’ll set a personal walking goal for the month then work toward it alongside thousands of other women. 99 Walks will keep you motivated with an app consisting of a walking tracker, an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community—plus, you’ll earn an inspirational bracelet when you accomplish your goal! Click here to join the 99 Walks monthly walking challenge!