Not All Nutrition Plans are One Size Fits All

Ever wonder why you didn’t get the same results as your best friend when you followed the exact same diet or nutrition program?

You actually aren’t alone! It’s called bio-individuality, and if this is the first you’re hearing about it, I promise, it won’t be your last. Up until recently, scientific studies were far too focused on input (diet) and the result of said diet and not at the physiology of the person. Now, we are fortunate to be living at a time when personalized medicine, and therefore wellness, will become commonplace.

Bio-individuality means that no one diet or lifestyle modification works for everyone, and that your own uniqueness directly relates to your specific physiology. One person’s poison can be another’s superfood. Each person will have unique nutritional needs as a result of both external and internal factors like our genetics, our culture, our emotional thoughts, lifestyle habits, our surrounding physical environment and so much more.

Instead of looking solely at foods from a macro-nutrient level (carbs, proteins and fats) we look at foods from a micro-nutrient level (vitamins and minerals) and how they are assimilated into the body. Because the body (and cells) are being fed, you can reduce disease and gain optimal health. This is an example functional nutrition, or more specifically finding the foods that will be most functional (optimal) for you.

So, how do we figure out what works best for us?

  1. We track. This can be done by just simply tracking the foods we eat, how we feel, and any outcomes. Another solution is to try an elimination diet to see if there are specific foods that may be bothersome.

  2. We hire a professional to help. When we experience frustration and feel like we’ve tried everything and nothing is working…it’s time to get help from a professional. Don’t be afraid to make an investment in yourself. You will find that hiring a pro will actually save you money, time, and frustration in the long-run.

  3. We test. We can also go directly to the source and test for food sensitivities, intolerances, allergies and so much more.

Your needs will also change over time as you are ever-changing. Remind yourself to not get caught up on the latest trends, fad diets and detoxes, especially during this time of year whilst new year resolutions are popular.

Bottom line: You’re unique and your wellness plan should be too!


Lindsay Lombardi is a Functional Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle coach. She co-owns The Vitality Project, an online wellness studio that helps busy, frustrated women ditch diets, build healthy habits, and get energized!

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