Sunshine Seeker

Just a few months from now, the days will become shorter. The schedule busier. And our surroundings more muted. These are the days where we yearn for the warmth of the sun, relaxing days with family and friends, and the time to slow down and live in the moment. 

And though each season brings its own form of beauty, there’s just something about summertime. Plans are being made. Neighbors are spilling out of their homes. And the tinkling of ice cream trucks and laughing children can be heard down the streets. Our days are filled with sunshine.

But it’s easy to let the days go by and not savor that sunshine. It’s easy to fall into a routine of things we must do and not take time for the things we want to do. Like meeting up with friends, listening and dancing to live music under the stars, splashing in the ocean, or even the simplicity of blowing bubbles and watching them float in the air.

This July, let’s seek out the sunshine. Let’s say yes to more fun and more time spent with those we love and the things we love to do. Let’s feel the warmth on our skin and watch the smiles spread across our faces, exhaling as we feel our shoulders relax.

Make your own bucket list, or grab ours here and start creating memories. Whatever you do, don’t let this month go by without embracing the splendor of the season.

Join us this July as we become Sunshine Seekers.

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