9 Reasons to Head to the Mountains

There’s something about the mountains that takes your breath away. Their sheer size is enough to stop you in your tracks. Their beauty leaves you with your mouth agape and perhaps tears in your eyes. Yes, these purple mountain majesties are a sight to behold. 

But, they’re more than a pretty sight, or a place for awe-inspiring hikes. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, mountains cover 27% of the earth’s land service and are home to 15% of the world’s population—around 1.1 billion people.

Each year on December 11th, we celebrate International Mountain Day to bring awareness to the importance of mountains, the opportunities and constraints for development, and to positively impact mountain people and their environments. 

This year, the theme is Women Move Mountains, which is an effort to bring to light the significant impact women have on environmental protection and social and economic development in mountain areas. According to the FAO, women are often the primary managers of mountain resources, guardians of biodiversity, keepers of traditional knowledge, custodians of local culture, and experts in traditional medicine.

So, how can you help? Simple. Head to the mountains. And if you need some convincing, here are nine reasons:

  1. A walk in the mountains is often less crowded.

  2. Being in the mountains gives you the chance to support local products and sustain food systems.

  3. Responsible tourism keeps the cultural and spiritual heritage of those who live in the mountains valued and protected.

  4. The mountains are known for their biodiversity, and a visit can give you the chance to see things you might not otherwise see. Bald Eagles, anyone?

  5. Mountains are a perfect place to discover awe, a powerful emotion that makes you feel small in the grand scheme of the universe, while simultaneously helping you feel connected to something larger than yourself. 

  6. Sometimes you just need to wake up and see something different to bring a fresh perspective to days that can often blend seamlessly from one to the next.

  7. There’s something about breathing in clean, mountain air that causes your body to relax and a smile on your face. And, according to this article, if you suffer from allergies and asthma, you’ll likely be breathing easier!

  8. A mountain scene is the perfect setting for a photograph. Whether you include yourself or your loved ones, or just turn your focus to the beauty of nature, you’re sure to capture an amazing memory.

  9. There’s nothing better than a hike in the mountains. Adding an incline to your walk really ups the ante and challenges you and your muscles in different ways. And you know that a walk will do your mental and physical health a whole lotta good.

We’ll see you in the mountains! And, don’t forget to share your photos! #MountainsMatter

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