9 Benefits of Cocoa

Reaching for that mug of hot cocoa a bit more often these days? Go ahead. You may actually be doing your body good! Naturally low in fat and sugar, cocoa contains phytonutrients—natural chemicals found in plants—which, based on early research studies, may give your body the extra boost it needs to fight disease and be healthy. In honor of National Cocoa Day, we’ve compiled a list of 9 benefits of cocoa. 

  1. It may help you breathe better. If you suffer from asthma, the compounds theobromine and theophylline found in cocoa may help open your airways and reduce a persistent cough. 

  2. It may help you focus. Losing sleep these days? Add some cocoa to your diet. Cocoa powder may keep your cognitive performance sharp, even if your mind is racing with everything on your to-do list.

  3. It may give your immune system a boost. Packed with minerals like zinc, iron, and selenium, cocoa may help your body function at its best and fight off any of those unwanted germs.

  4. It may lower your blood pressure. Cocoa is high in flavanols, which may improve nitric oxide levels and the function of your blood vessels. The result? A small, but notable decrease in blood pressure.

  5. It may help with weight loss. Cocoa powder not only regulates your body’s use of energy and metabolism, but it may keep you feeling fuller longer. 

  6. It may reduce your risk for a heart attack. There are lots of great traits in cocoa to help lower the risk of heart disease. For example, it may have similar effects as a blood thinner, improve blood sugar, and reduce cholesterol and inflammation. 

  7. It may help you regulate blood sugar. Eating foods high in flavanols, like cocoa, have been shown to have an impact on how your body processes sugar, and may lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

  8. It may make your skin glow. Nope, eating cocoa doesn’t actually make your skin break out, but it may actually protect you from the sun, improve your skin’s texture, and keep your skin better hydrated due to the polyphenols.

  9. It may make you happier! Yes, not only does it taste yummy, but the polyphenols found in cocoa have shown to reduce stress levels, make you more calm, and improve your mood.

Now before you grab that bag of chocolate chips from the pantry, take note that you should look for non-alkalized cocoa powder or a dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa to get the best health benefits of cocoa. And, portion control is key. Think 0.1 ounces of high-flavanol cocoa powder to sprinkle over your fruit, or 0.4 ounces to bite into for a sweet snack during the day.