How One Woman Found Her Happiness Through Walking

In September 2020, Yvonne Deel had a realization. She was tired of being tired. A common result of the pandemic, she found herself spending her days just sitting around. It was a habit she knew she needed to change, so she took to her computer, started researching her options, and found her answer in 99 Walks.

Retired for 13 years from General Motors Corporation, Yvonne, age 73 of Grand Rapids, Michigan, turned her life around after starting an intentional walking program with 99 Walks. “My favorite thing about walking,” said Yvonne, “is how it clears my head and relaxes my mind. It lifts my spirits and makes me feel better.” Her daughters have even noticed the change in her, commenting on how much happier of a person she is now that she joined 99 Walks.

How much it changed her was a surprise even to Yvonne. From the thrill of a challenge, to the commitment to the 99 Walks app, to looking forward to walking every day—everything was a new experience for Yvonne. “I enjoyed buying items that are needed for walking in any weather, like shoes, socks, clothes, jackets, hats, walking poles,” she added, “oh, and my AirPods! Who knew that I would like those?!”

But that’s not all that she likes. “I like interacting with the 99 Walks community,” she said. “Receiving their support and inspiration, and my supporting others and hopefully inspiring someone else. I like the fact that it’s all about me taking care of me!!”

Walking has opened Yvonne’s eyes to everything around her, helping notice things that make her smile. It’s in this newfound discovery of the power of being present that gives her the motivation she needs. “If you’re struggling to keep moving, look around you,” she advises. “See the beauty that nature has to offer. Observe that waving at people you pass by will often cause them to smile and wave back. You can get lost in a podcast or audiobook or listen to music and remember how happy you are when you sing and dance. And, most of all, notice how a simple walk can let you forget your problems, clear your head, relax your mind and make you realize how thankful you are that you are even able to go for a walk regardless of the distance.”

And on those days where the desire to walk is lacking, Yvonne gives herself a pep talk reminding herself that she doesn’t have to go far—that she just has to go. “I put on my shoes and take off, which I usually end up going at least a mile,” she said. “Or if I don’t go outside, I tell myself before I sit down and do nothing, I have to put in my AirPods and do one of the 99 Walks house walking classes in the app.”

With almost 500 miles now logged with 99 Walks after bidding her couch farewell, Yvonne continues her walking journey along the gorgeous Michigan terrain, though she often dreams about walking in Hawaii with its beautiful landscapes, beaches, spectacular gardens, and peaceful vibe, a vision she’s only experienced through pictures. She’s a constant encourager to other 99 Walks Pack Members, and is a true testament to the happiness found with the simple act of walking.

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals walking for exercise and better mental health with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

You'll find all the tools you need to be successful, including a tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community to keep you going.

Take your first step towards health and happiness, all through the simple act of walking. Start today with two weeks free.