9 Podcasts to Listen to on Your Next Walk

Much like walking, podcasts can serve many purposes. They can offer you laughter at a time when life seems too heavy, or guidance when your mind is racing with questions. They can offer inspiration when you need some extra encouragement, or entertainment when you need to disconnect. And they can even offer serenity for when you need to remember to breathe. We’re big believers in the power of podcasts here at 99 Walks, and in honor of International Podcast Day, we thought we’d share with you a list of our favorites and why we love them.

  1. The What's Essential Podcast with Greg McKeown. You should listen because the host shares a concept that is contrary to so much of what we are taught and so much of our culture: just because something is hard doesn't necessarily make it more valuable and, conversely, just because something is easy doesn't mean it is less valuable. Oh, and his accent. You should listen for his accent. ~ Joyce, CEO & Pack Leader

  2. Sharon Says So Podcast: This podcast brings forth history in America in an unbiased manner. Each episode is unique, jam-packed with facts, and makes understanding history more digestible and far more captivating. I especially love that there are some topics Sharon is willing to “die on a hill for” to ensure misinformation is squelched and facts prevail! ~Sherry, Analytics Manager & Metrics Maven

  3. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard: The host of this podcast does interviews with celebrities and "A-listers" resulting in conversations that are real, candid and interesting. ~Jamie, Director of Community & Cheerleader

  4. The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos: I love this podcast because she shares practical wisdom on how to live more fully and more happily, things we often need to learn because, as Dr. Santos teaches, our brains often lie to us about what will actually make us happier. ~Joyce, CEO & Pack Leader

  5. Office Ladies: A funny and engaging podcast that goes behind the scenes of one of my all-time favorite shows, The Office. Two stars of the show revisit each episode to share their memories of filming the show, along with interviews with other cast and crew. If you're a fan of The Office, or ready to watch it for the first time, put this one on your list. ~Mary, Marketing Director & Plate Spinner

  6. How I Built This: This podcast is about entrepreneurs and their struggles to build their businesses. Even though it's about business, it's just good storytelling about how people overcome challenges. ~Eric, Co-Founder & Rainmaker

  7. On Purpose with Jay Shetty: My walks are often therapy for me, and listening to Jay and his guests is like talking to that insightful friend that just gets you. His calm, soothing voice immediately puts me in a state of relaxation and I just find myself soaking up everything he has to say. The content is spot on and relatable, and I often find myself smiling and breathing easier at the end of each episode. ~Erin, Content Manager & Calendar Queen

  8. The Worthiness Mindset Podcast with Jillie Johnston: We might be a little biased, but we think the host of this podcast is the absolute best. Yep, it’s our own Coach Jillie and she brings her wisdom, encouragement, and power to believe in ourselves and feel worthy. Oh, and we get to hear about all the fabulous places she travels around the country living out of her van! ~HQ Team

  9. The Weekly Walk: We couldn’t leave this gem off the list, because who can resist the delightful banter between our very own Joyce and Eric, or the casual conversations between Joyce and an amazing guest? Coming in two formats—The Weekly Walk and Walk + Talk, each episode will leave you inspired, probably pondering a question you never before considered, and for sure laughing. ~HQ Team 

As always, all of these podcasts are readily available on all the places podcast live. Happy listening!

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