How Walking Helps One Educator Set the Tone for Her Day

As a middle school principal in the Central Valley of California, Deanne Andrade-Freitas, age 49, was looking for a way to reduce the stress that comes with overseeing a thousand students, so she did what any educator would do—she turned to research. What she found told her that in order to stay out of the toxic range of stress, she needed to find something to do outside, that involved getting the body moving, and was something she looked forward to. Her answer...walking.

Though she’s not new to the world of fitness, Deanne found herself no longer making it a priority and had gone five years without any sort of routine. So one day, she put the idea out to fellow administrators asking who wanted to walk with her in the mornings. It only took one interested person to set her on a path to a healthier lifestyle. “We walked every day for a year,” said Deanne. “The conversations we had during our walks were sometimes job related, or about ‘woman’ things, about families or even about shows we were watching. The talks and walks began to change my outlook for the day, and I believe that is why I still walk every day, grounding myself with a positive mindset.”

Deanne at the corner of her walking route with her stylish collection of walking shoes!

Deanne at the corner of her walking route with her stylish collection of walking shoes!

Deanne’s friend has since moved out of the area, but that hasn’t stopped her from walking.  She now listens to the 99 Walks podcasts, takes walking classes or just listens to music. Her focus turned to the intentional part of 99 Walks, so much so that "intentional" has crossed over to her workplace. After her walk each morning, Deanne said she’s ready for what the day brings her.  

“My walk is my me time!” Deanne said. “I have a job that takes BRAIN and physical power, and my daily morning walks allow me to focus on me. The power of reflection on that 3.5 mile walk sets my day positively. 99 Walks is a great fit and partner for me!” 

And though she realizes daily enormous physical and mental benefits from her walking practice, Deanne also cherishes the idea of setting a goal with intention. “I can't lie,” Deanne admits. “The bracelet is a great non-food reward.  I love to stack them when I wear them and tell people I am Wonder Woman!”

Walking has taught Deanne a valuable lesson—that she is worth it! Though the journey to work on her health and physical state is continuous, more importantly she has learned that walking helps her manage her emotions. She said she is now more in touch with what triggers she has and is more proactive than reactive to other behaviors.  

Not every morning is easy to get going before a busy day at school, but Deanne knows that if she gets in her walk, in the long run her day tends to be more beneficial to herself, family and workplace. “I have yet to regret a walk,” said Deanne. “It sure feels good when I am done.”

If you’re struggling on where to get started in an intentional walking practice, Deanne has one simple word of advice. “Start! Make a plan to get moving one baby step at a time and you will begin to feel great about yourself.” She also reminds us the importance of not looking at other walker’s goals because we are all at different places. “Be good to yourself,” she said.

If you run into Deanne on a walk, you just might find her dreaming of taking a walk on the diverse terrain and seeing the beauty of the Azores, an archipelago in the mid-Atlantic in the region of Portugal. But, until then, she’ll take her inspiration from her 99 Walks community and the classes and podcasts in the app. “Looking for “awe” in my walk works wonders for my soul, and the information in Joyce's walk and talks gets my brain percolating!” she said. And, perhaps, if you’re lucky, you just might catch her in her Wonder Woman power pose, showing the world her bracelets and all that she has accomplished, one intentional walk at a time.

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

You'll find all the tools you need to be successful, including a tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community to keep you going.

Take your first step towards health and happiness, all through the simple act of walking. Start today with two weeks free.