Meet Your 99 Walks Coaches: Coach Carrie Encourages You to Just Go For It!

99 Walks Core Value #52 reminds us that “It’s never too late for a new start, new adventure or new life,” and it holds invaluable meaning for our own Coach Carrie. 12 years ago, leading an active lifestyle was not even on her radar. Sure, she had a seemingly happy life with a career in hospitality, a home, family and friends, but she found that something was still missing—an outlet for self care.

As stress built up and her body and mind broke down, Coach Carrie knew she had to make a change. “When I had that ‘ah-ha’ moment, I discovered that I didn’t have a hobby, pastime, or habit to pour myself into. So, I joined a gym, and discovered a whole new part of myself.”  Coach Carrie said that it all started with a small decision: setting the fear of the unknown aside, and being willing to learn as she went. 

As Coach Carrie started down her path of healthy living, she found the rewards to be so much greater than she’d imagined: “Not only was I feeling stronger and finding I had much more energy, but I was more focused at work, less stressed, and overall just happier each day.”

She challenged herself to small goals, and eventually bigger goals, learning about herself along the way. “Most importantly, I learned that I CAN,” she said. “I learned that if I put my mind to something, set the goals, and stayed focused, I could accomplish amazing things.” Coach Carrie went from a life of inactivity to running 5ks and half marathons, once even training and competing in a fitness competition. From these experiences, she discovered she had more drive and determination than she ever imagined possible. 

After experiencing this change in herself, Coach Carrie knew she had to help others find the rewards of healthy living as well. She left the hospitality industry and received certifications as a health coach through Integrative Nutrition and a personal trainer with a corrective exercise specialty through National Academy of Sports Medicine. Pack members know Coach Carrie as the voice behind our Elements, Active Recovery, Tread 15, and Stroller Walking classes here with 99 Walks.

Coach Carrie takes her experiences and education into each class she creates as a 99 Walks coach, but that isn’t the only thing that fuels the classes she records. “I let the words of our Pack inspire the direction of a class. My favorite thing to do to get into a great planning mindset is to hop into our Facebook group and teams. I let the positive stories energize me,” she said. “I read through the struggles our Pack is working to overcome to ensure that I am honoring and speaking to everyone at all places of their journey, and I see what questions members are asking to ensure that I can address any hot topics and be a great resource on all things walking.”  She loves connecting with the Pack and feels so inspired daily by their journeys.  

She has also woven her love for yoga and the benefits it has into what she brings to the 99 Walks pack. “Part of why I created the Active Recovery class,” said Coach Carrie, “is because slowing down and focusing on recovery and movement technique is not only good for mobility and flexibility, but also for the mind.” She expresses her passion for sharing this type of intentional moment as her “fitness love language.” 

But what about those hard days? Coach Carrie offers up a great formula. “Give yourself 5+5,” she said. “When you just don’t want to get started—when you aren’t feeling like walking today—give yourself 5+5. That’s five deep breaths to clear your mind PLUS five minutes of movement. Maybe it’s just light stretching, or maybe it’s giving yourself just 5 minutes of a simple stroll, but just get the body moving and the blood flowing.”  She explains “Hopefully you’ll find that once you get started, you feel reconnected to your goal and energized to keep moving!”  She also reminds that sometimes “today just isn’t the day; and that’s okay!  Don’t let it bring you down and just commit to trying again tomorrow!” 

Coach Carrie encourages—on both the good days and bad—to always focus on how far you’ve come. Sure, you’ll have ups and downs, but she urges you to remind yourself of all you have done to get where you are, celebrate where you are at, and ”let that happy dance empower you to get moving again!” 

Every day, you’ll find Coach Carrie honoring her commitment to herself. “I take 30 minutes of ‘me time’ a day,” she said. “It’s not always perfect and doesn’t always look the same, but I ensure that I carve out and honor those 30 intentional minutes.” Sometimes that time is spent walking along with the Pack, other days she escapes to her beloved yoga practice, and some days that time is spent giving herself a manicure or just watching her favorite TV shows.  Whatever she chooses, those 30 minutes make all the difference in keeping her centered.

Reflecting back on the transition to living a healthy lifestyle and being intentional about how she took care of her mind and body all those years ago impacted Coach Carrie immensely.  “I did not grow up an athlete or loving exercise,” she said, “but I’ve now found my passion. Thank goodness I was up for a new adventure! Remember, you can start any time. Whether it be fitness or something else in life, just go for it!

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