Healthy Feet are Happy Feet

Walking is one of the most fun, natural, and safe ways of exercising. And every step you take is one step closer to a healthier lifestyle. But in order to keep moving, you must take good care of your feet. Here's what you need to know to keep them healthy and what you can do to soothe pain and soreness after a walk.

Check your feet daily for blisters, cuts, bruises, and other injuries that may have developed after your last walk.

Practice good foot hygiene by washing them daily with mild soap and drying thoroughly, especially between your toes. Also, take care to regularly trim your toenails to avoid infection and ingrown nails.

Wear the proper footwear. Don't wear shoes that rub or pinch your feet, which can cause blisters and calluses. Instead, look for comfortable and supportive shoes that absorb shock from the impact of walking.

Lather up with moisturizer. Foot skin gets thinner and drier as you age, which can lead to cracking, splitting, and pain. The perfect time to apply moisturizer is when your skin is hydrated right after a bath or shower.

If your feet feel achy or tired, try massaging in a topical pain reliever like non-greasy Arnicare Cream. This homeopathic medicine has a light, moisturizing texture that goes on smoothly to soothe sore feet and other aches and pains from overuse and minor injuries.* The active ingredient is Arnica montana, a type of mountain daisy used for centuries to naturally relieve pain. Arnicare is free of parabens, dyes, and fragrances.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

Article Contributed by Arnicare.

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