It's Goal Check Day!

Today is Goal Check Day, the day we encourage you to take an honest look at the goal you set just 10 days ago to be sure it’s the right goal for you. Set the wrong goal? Today is the day to adjust it. 

Now, you know that around here we believe in the power of setting big goals, and then going all in to crush them. And we believe that there are important lessons to be learned when we don’t achieve a goal we’ve set. But those things only work if you set and chase a just-right goal—a Goldilocks Goal—in the first place. A goal that is ambitious but achievable.

What if you’ve set and are chasing the wrong goal? Well, that’s discouraging and self-defeating and no one’s got time for that!

So today, take a moment to consider the goal you set for this month. Yup, open up your 99 Walks app and check how far that blue bar has moved across the screen. Remember, we are about 1/3 of the way through the month. How does that make you feel? Excited? On track? Fired up? Ready to roll? Does it make you say “I am on it! I should be able to hit my goal and earn my bracelet this month?” Awesome. Don’t change a thing.

But. If you look at your progress and think “Why even bother? I’m so far away from my goal I’ll never make it,” well, kudos for getting this far in this article—that shows grit and determination. And now, you need to adjust that goal.

Goal Check Day—the 10th of every month—is the chance to re-evaluate your goal. Consider how many times a week you can reasonably walk and how many miles you can crush between now and the end of the month. If necessary, adjust your goal to suit the you that is you today. Right here. Right now. Where you are today is what matters. Listen to her.

Go ahead. No guilt. No second guessing. No shame. This is your Goal Check Day.

Click here to join the 99 Walks monthly walking challenge! With a membership to 99 Walks, you’ll set a personal walking goal for the month then work toward it alongside thousands of other women. 99 Walks will keep you motivated with an app consisting of a walking tracker, an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community—plus, you’ll earn an inspirational bracelet when you accomplish your goal!