What You'll Find in a Stroller Walking Class with 99 Walks

We get it. Going out with babies and toddlers is hard. Their moods are unpredictable, and you’re exhausted from running around just trying to keep them fed, happy and safe. Not to mention all the other demands that come with family life. But now, more than ever, is the time to carve out a few minutes for yourself. And, no, you don’t need to find a babysitter to make it happen. Just grab the stroller, some snacks and toys for the little one, lace up your sneakers and set out for a stroller walking class.

What’s a stroller walking class? 99 Walks, the best walking app for women, has created classes geared towards moms in those early years of motherhood. Those years when one to three word sentences and eating the leftovers from your child’s pb&j lunch are part of your daily routine, and frankly, a time that is downright lonely. Stroller walking classes give you the chance to focus on your mental and physical well being with motivating messages and dynamic movement to help you get stronger.

With stroller walking classes from 99 Walks, Coach Jenny and Coach Carrie, both moms who understand the joys and the challenges that young children bring, lead you through a 30-minute class where you’ll get your heart pumping and muscles flexing all while you and your kiddo enjoy the great outdoors. 

Classes start out with a comfortable walking pace, focused on form and breathing to get you warmed up for your workout. The coaches then take you through a series of exercises including endurance and interval fitness, active strengthening, circuit training, and even stationary exercises where you lock your stroller wheels and lower yourself to the ground. Classes move you through a full body workout, complete with a cooldown that will leave you feeling empowered and strong.

And with it all, you’ll hear inspiring messages and encouragement that will build you up and remind you just how strong you truly are. 

Coach Carrie and Coach Jenny understand that getting outdoors with your children doesn't always go as planned, so these stroller walks are made to work for you in your situation at that moment. Need to break up the workout with a stop at a playground in the middle? No problem! You can fit stroller walking classes into your schedule. Classes are recorded and added to the app weekly, so you’ll always have a motivating workout waiting for you whenever you—and your little one—are available.

In each class, you’ll be able to get a challenging workout with moderate and high intensity options to help you gain the strength you need to be the best you for not only your family, but for yourself, too. And, best of all, you’ll have a coach cheering you on all the way.

There are so many benefits to stroller walking classes with 99 Walks. In addition to a great workout, getting outdoors with your children is not only good for them, but it’s also good for you. And, you’ll be setting a good example for your kids, showing the importance to take time for yourself and focus on being active.

So, give a 99 Walks stroller walking class a try and become a stroller warrior. Feel the wind in your hair, focus on moving forward, and notice the difference you feel before and after a class. We’re pretty sure your little one won’t be the only one cheering you on!

Want to give stroller walking a try? Click here for a free two-week trial where you will have full access to the 99 Walks walking app in which you can track your goals and find the motivation and accountability you desire for better physical and mental health. Using a reliable tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community, you can crush your health and fitness goals, and earn an inspirational bracelet when you accomplish your goal each month!