The 9 Stages of House Walking

It’s okay to admit it. We all start out a little hesitant when it comes to trying new things. Perhaps you think it’s not right for you. It will never work. Or you may even think it’s just downright silly. We get it. When you first hear someone suggest house walking, you may have raised eyebrows and a questioning expression. Since we totally know what you’re thinking—because we’ve been there, too—we thought we’d walk you through the nine stages of house walking. From the “what in the world?” to “you can’t stop me now!” 

Stage 1: What the heck is “house walking?” Am I supposed to just walk? In my house? Because there is no way I can get a decent walk from just walking in circles around my house. Maybe if I were a Kardashian living in a mansion with my own personal indoor track, which I’m not. I don’t think this will work for me. 

Stage 2: Ok, there are a lot of 99 Walks Pack Members talking about these House Walking classes. I mean, I don’t think they all have indoor tracks in their basement and they all seem to enjoy the class. Maybe there’s more to this than I realize? 

Stage 3: I’m just going to look. I can just look at the classes and see what’s available. I don’t have to actually do it. They are just 15 minutes, so not a huge time commitment. And there seems to be more than just walking involved. I see class names talking about abs, lower body, and squats, so maybe it’s more than walking in circles or marching in place? Coach Jenny is adorable, and she has a dog. 

Stage 4: Fine. I’ll give it a try. One class. I’ll do one class. And no promises I’m going to like it. (Pushes start on the Lower Body Moves House Walking Class with Coach Jenny.)

Stage 5: I feel a little silly walking around my house. Coach Jenny did remind me to move obstacles out of the way, so that’s helpful. I think if I start in my dining room and then walk through the kitchen, and go down the hallway, I can circle back in my bedroom, loop through the living room and get back to the dining room. That’s a doable route. 

Stage 6: Ok, maybe this isn’t so bad. Coach Jenny is pretty upbeat and awesome. I’m breathing. I’m walking. I just turned up the music. I’m picking up my pace.

Stage 7: Hold. The. Phone. I just did a supermodel turn at the end of my hallway and now I’m doing walking lunges? Is this sweat on my brow? Who am I?

Stage 8: I just finished a class. How is 15 minutes over already? That flew by! And that was one mile of walking? Gah! This is the best day ever. I feel so refreshed and energized. (Pushes start on the House Walking Class “All About Those Abs” because clearly I don’t want to stop walking.)

Stage 9: I just posted on Facebook that I’m never walking outside again and now I’m looking on Zillow for floor plans that will work with House Walking classes because I’ve got some home renovations to do. I wonder if Coach Jenny can move in with me? 

It’s your turn. What stage of house walking are you in? Be it stage one or stage nine, or somewhere in between, new House Walking classes are added to the 99 Walks app weekly, so give one a try. We just know that you’ll be mixing in House Walking classes to your intentional walking practice in no time!

Thousands of women are walking through the winter using the 99 Walks walking app to track their goals and find the mental and physical health and wellness they’ve desired. Find the motivation and accountability you've been searching for with a reliable tracking app, an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community — plus, you’ll earn an inspirational bracelet when you accomplish your goal! Click here to learn more!