Getting To Know Your 99 Walks HQ Team: Natalie Doornink

A new member of your 99 Walks HQ team, Fitness Director Natalie Doornink has jumped in with both feet and truly embraced the 99 Walks community, likely because the values were already a part of her. Today, we’re taking a moment to get to know Natalie, what set her fitness career running, and why she is passionate about making honest connections. Fueling us each day with a “can do” spirit and an energy that makes us all want to lace up our sneakers and head out for a walk, Natalie will remind you of a dear friend always cheering you on.

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

    I live north of the Twin Cities just over the border in a small town in Wisconsin. I am married with two kids—my son, Chase, is 17 and my daughter, Noelle, is 14. We are a busy family! Both kids are active in sports and I definitely wear the sports chauffeur badge!  We love summer and do a lot of camping, or should we say “Glamping!”  We love outdoor adventure and especially love to travel to see our family in Arizona.

  2. How did you get started in your love for fitness?

    My love for fitness started when I was young. I grew up in an active family. I remember going to aerobics classes with my mom when I was in elementary school and knowing then that I wanted to be like the fitness instructors. My dad was a science teacher and track and cross country coach, so being active and goal oriented was something I was fortunate to be around. I started running in 6th grade and continued with track and cross country at a national level in college. I often say that my years of running made me who I am today— a woman with a commitment to exercise, serving others, and challenging myself mentally and physically, with a “Make It Happen” mindset. As a woman who lives many roles, I can say that fitness and faith keep me smiling and sane!

  3. What is your favorite part about 99 Walks?

    I most appreciate the fitness philosophy and values that represent 99 Walks. I have worked in the fitness industry for more than 20 years, and in my experience, I have observed a disconnect between the industry and the participant. For me, my value was to help each person I was in contact with feel successful and important. I have always had a different vision beyond vanity or the norm. This mindset has propelled me in my own fitness business and partnerships. In learning more about 99 Walks, I quickly realized that Joyce and Eric created a culture and philosophy that I live and love and can put my energy into without hesitation. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something so special and to have a work team that believes in the same mission. Amazing!

  4. How has walking/fitness impacted your life?

    Walking and fitness are a piece of me. My family will tell you that when I am not prioritizing my fitness, I am not fun to be around. It’s true—getting out and moving is my therapy and my freedom. The physical benefits are essential, but the mental benefits allow for me to be a better wife, mom, and leader. Taking the time to breathe and move allows me to feel more in control and in that moment. 

    Sure, I have days that I struggle with mindset and feel discouraged and that is why I focus on discipline over motivation. As I get older, I realize more and more that adding pressure to myself and making exercise a chore does not support my goals. In my workout room, above my treadmill, I have the saying “You are only one workout away from a good mood.” I always feel better afterwards and allow for myself to have those days where I may not be at my best because I know that our fitness journey is imperfect and life happens.

  5. What do you love to do outside of work?

    Outside of work I love to clean and organize! I enjoy being active, and my favorite activity is time with family and adventures with friends. I am also the head high school cross country coach and love working with the boys and girls teams. It is rewarding to watch them develop into amazing people and athletes. Being able to bring my fitness skills and knowledge to the team is a bonus! These kids fill me up and the many hours committed to coaching is rewarding beyond value.

  6. What tips do you have for when you feel stuck and you are struggling to reset your mindset?

    On the days that you feel stuck or on the verge of giving up, reach out and connect with the amazing women in our pack! If you need additional walking guidance, please contact us. I would love to help you set realistic goals or to help give modifications. It has been a highlight of my career working with a variety of women from beginners to elite, older adults, and those working to overcome physical restrictions. Let’s get creative and find a solution that will keep you walking at your pace and that is a fit for your lifestyle.

  7. Who inspires you most in life and why?

    My dad is my hero and inspiration. He and my mom have always been my biggest fans and support system. I have learned the importance of faith, selflessness, and hard work by watching them devote their lives to helping others. I often feel that I am not worthy of such amazing people. I am thankful that my kids have been able to grow up with their example, love, and support. My dad’s philosophy when coaching has always been “Coach from the heart,” and that is something I think about and try to live in my own life. The impact he has made on me, numerous athletes over the years, and so many others is a testament to his character, servanthood, and hard work. I often say, I am who I am because of my Dad.

  8. If you could say one thing to the 99 Walks community right now to inspire and motivate us to continue on our fitness journey, what would it be?

    Stay the course! Walking is more than the physical. Remember to focus on the many benefits that come with our dedication to walking and fitness. The journey can be tormenting at times, but the growth that occurs from stepping outside our comfort zone mentally and physically by persevering is the most rewarding and impactful experience. It is not an all or nothing journey. Go back to the basics, take away the pressure and guilt, and find joy in each day as you give yourself the gift of walking and doing what is in your power to stay healthy and fit.

  9. If you could snap your fingers and walk anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

    I’d be hiking in the sunshine!! Enjoying the beauty within state parks, national parks, or hiking in the Arizona mountains is my bliss. 

Click here to join thousands of women who are walking their way to better with the 99 Walks walking app. Along with motivating walking classes, inspiring stories and podcasts, and a supportive community, women are using the robust walking tracker to achieve better health and wellness, both mentally and physically.