9 Ways to Prepare for Winter Walking

You may be bracing yourself for the cold days looming, but don’t let a drop in temperature keep you from the body-boosting benefits of walking. With a little thought and preparation, you just might find yourself craving a stroll with a side of winter chill. Here are 9 ways to get yourself ready for winter walking:

  1. Update your “Go Basket.” You may have a basket or drawer with all of your walking essentials so you’re ready to go at a moment’s notice. You know, your earbuds, water bottle, walking shoes, and sunglasses. Take a look at your collection and think about adding some hand warmers, a scarf or buff, gloves, and your cutest beanie to the mix.

  2. Consider your layers. To keep you warm when walking in winter, layers are key. Start with a base layer, but stay away from cotton so that moisture doesn’t get trapped and cause a shiver. Synthetic layers will keep you warm and dry. Build up from there with warm layers of fleece (top and bottom) and a coat. Check out this video for more information.

  3. Source some warm socks. A pair of good wool socks may be the game-changer you’ve been seeking. No need to swap out the sneakers since a wool sock will keep your feet warm and toasty so you can keep hitting those winter trails.

  4. Don’t forget to accessorize. Yep, accessories can really make an outfit, but they can also make a difference when the temperature drops. Grab a warm beanie, some gloves or mittens (remember, mittens are warmer than gloves), and a scarf or buff to keep the cold wind out and your extremities nice and cozy.

  5. Sunscreen is a must. In the winter? Yes, indeed. Even on those cloudy and cold days, harmful rays can break through leaving lasting damage, so for any skin that’s exposed, give it a slathering of sunscreen. And, don’t forget your sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the glare that can only come with new-fallen snow!

  6. Drink up. The winter air is not only cold, but it tends to be more dry causing your body to need more hydration. Make sure you’re getting enough H2O before, during and after your walk to keep your body feeling its best.

  7. Let your light shine. Daylight is shorter during the winter, so be prepared when darkness falls with reflective gear (like a vest, sash or hat) that will help you stay visible to any oncoming traffic. You may even consider LED lights to wear around your ankles, wrists, or even add to your shoes!

  8. Grab some stabilizing tools. Surfaces in the winter can be slick and unpredictable, so strapping a pair of Yaktrax onto your shoes for added traction can help. What’s great is that Yaktrax works on any type of shoe, from your tennies to your boots, they’ll fit right in.

  9. Set your mindset. It may be a little harder to convince yourself to step outside when the weather seems a little more frightful, but if you lead with a positive attitude knowing that a winter walk will benefit you both physically and mentally, that first step might not feel so daunting, and you might just find yourself looking forward to that cold, fresh air to wake up your senses.

This winter, don’t let jack frost keep you indoors. Suit up and join him outside for a refreshing winter walk.

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