9 Ways Walking Eases Holiday Stress

If your December looks anything like ours, your schedule is jam-packed, your pocketbook is stretched, and you’re wondering just how you’re supposed to embrace the joy of the season when you’re stuck in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle. Yep, these last few weeks of the year can be overwhelming. They can be stressful. But we’ve found magic in the simple act of taking a walk, and how it can ease your holiday stress. Here’s how:

  1. Walking decreases stress. Holiday stress is almost inevitable. But exercise reduces levels of the stress-hormone cortisol and increases the trifecta of happy hormones: endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. A walk is a powerful, all-natural mood booster.

  2. Walking helps you connect. Whether shoulder-to-shoulder or via phone, taking a walk with a loved one is truly magical. Not only is it meditative, but you just might find that even your teenage son opens up a bit more.

  3. Walking increases energy levels. Feeling a little sluggish? Walking even short distances can increase your energy levels, allowing you to feel more accomplished and less tired for the rest of the day.

  4. Walking helps you digest food. Let’s face it. We’re all probably indulging in a bit more goodies than normal this time of year, but multiple studies have found that a post-meal walk helps with digestion and improves blood sugar levels. And it doesn’t take long — just a short 15-minute walk is enough to see positive effects.

  5. Walking helps you focus. Feeling like your mind is all over the place? Studies have found that a brisk walk creates more brain activity, specifically in the areas of the brain responsible for focus and attention, so you’ll be able to concentrate on the moments that truly matter.

  6. Walking is incredibly beneficial for older generations. Studies have found that walking can provide relief from arthritis, strengthen abdominal and back muscles to decrease chronic back pain, and reduce the risk of developing a physical disability by 41 percent, helping seniors to maintain their independence. So, if you can, grab grandma, grandpa, or an elderly neighbor and take them on a walk with you!

  7. Activate your immune system. Studies have shown that walking outside in winter can wake up your immune system and decrease inflammation. Just 30-45 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each day can increase the number of immune system cells in your body needed to fight off those pesky winter colds.

  8. Walking helps you sleep better. A brisk walk during your day can help give your body the signals it needs when it’s time to shut down for the night. The result is a good night’s rest, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to be present for all the joy the holidays bring.

  9. Walking inspires dreams. Walking allows your mind to wander, your creativity to flow, and your brain to start really dreaming. So if you’re ready to make a change in the new year, taking a walk during the holiday season can lead you down a path of identifying your goals and dreams, and brainstorming ways to make them a reality.

This year, when the sense of joy from the holiday season threatens to fall by the wayside, go take a walk. Even better if you can do it with a loved one by your side. 

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