9 Reasons to Walk Through The Pandemic

You’re home. Your kids are home. You’ve been power watching the news and maybe feeling a little helpless or confused. But as we are socially distancing ourselves it is still important to take care of ourselves, maybe now more than ever. 99 Walks is encouraging you to get up, lace up and go for a walk. And here are 9 really good reasons why.

1. The Outdoors is Not Closed - Your gym may be closed. Your mall may be closed. Your favorite coffee shop might be closed. But the outside is not. Walk laps around your property, walk through the neighborhood being mindful of your neighbors or find a local trail to walk and soak in the fresh air. 

If you do not have a safe place to walk outside or are not able to leave your home, try our indoor housewalking and treadmill classes. 

2. Walking Boosts Your Immune System - It might sound too good to be true, but research shows walking can help boost your immune system and improve your ability to fend off viruses and bacteria. One study showed people who walk at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week, have 43 percent fewer sick days than those who did not. And for those who did get sick, the severity of the illness and symptoms were reduced.

And don’t think running is better just because you’re moving faster or going further. The physical stress of a more intense workout may have the opposite effect, leaving you vulnerable to infection.

3. Walking Reduces Your Stress Levels - Pandemic stress is almost inevitable, especially when you are scrolling social media or checking the headlines. While being informed is important, so is disconnecting

Exercise, including walking, causes your body to release endorphins, which is a feel-good chemical that reduces stress. It also releases serotonin, which increases positive feelings, among other things.

4. Walking Helps You Connect - Sitting on the couch together day-in and day-out may not help you connect with your family. In fact, it may make things worse. But walking is meditative and allows us to make meaningful connections with those around us. Walking side-by-side without distraction enhances your connection, while the increased oxygen and blood flow helps you communicate more clearly.

5. Walking Increases Your Energy Levels - Feeling a little sluggish? Walking even short distances can increase your energy levels, allowing you to feel more accomplished and less tired for the rest of the day.

6. Walking Helps You Focus -  Feeling like your mind is all over the place? Studies have found that a brisk walk creates more brain activity, specifically in the areas of the brain responsible for focus and attention.

7. Walking Helps You Sleep - When you’re ready to snuggle up to your partner, close your eyes and drift off to sleep, you’ll sleep more soundly if you’ve taken a walk. Research shows that those who walk regularly get significantly better sleep than those who do not.

8. Walking Helps You Avoid Boredom - We get it. Social distancing can be boring. Get up, lace up and go for a walk. You’ll get out of the house, feel the sunshine and see interesting things. You’ll feel accomplished and refreshed.  

9. Walking Helps You Maintain Your Healthy Mental Health Status - We all know that walking is good for us physically, but have you ever considered what it can do for your mental health?

The moral of the story? Regular walks can keep you healthier and can help power you through this pandemic. So grab your sneakers, and start walking!

And because now, more than ever, it is important to exercise and take care of yourself to support a healthy immune system, please, take advantage of this 2 weeks free 99 Walks membership