The Power of Wonder with Monica Parker

The Power of Wonder with Monica Parker


Join Joyce & Monica Parker, author and entrepreneur, for a casual conversation perfect for a walk. Joyce and Monica delve into the topic to define wonder and the mental and physical health benefits of cultivating wonder in your life. You'll learn the connection between wonder and awe, and how you can start building a wonder practice.

About Monica

Monica Parker is the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The Power of Wonder and a world-renowned speaker, writer, and authority on the future of work. Parker has spent decades helping people discover how to lead and live wonderfully.

The founder of global human analytics and change consultancy HATCH, whose clients include blue-chip companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Prudential, and LEGO, Parker challenges corporate systems to advocate for more meaningful work lives.

In addition to her extensive advocacy work, Parker has been an opera singer, a museum exhibition designer, a policy director, and a homicide investigator defending death row inmates.

A lover of the arts, literature, and Mexican food, Parker and her family split their time between Atlanta, London, and Nice. Her wonderbringers include travel, time spent with friends, and live music.

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