Getting Out of Your Own Way with Katie Fogarty

Getting Out of Your Own Way with Katie Fogarty


Join Joyce & Katie Fogarty, host of the podcast A Certain Age, for a casual conversation you can walk to. Listen in as they discuss imposter syndrome, how to move through it, and why you should embrace the idea that change is not just possible, it's probable. After all, sometimes you just have to get out of your own way.

About Katie

Katie Fogarty is the host of A Certain Age – a podcast that shines an age-positive spotlight on midlife and shares the smarts and sparkle of women ages 50+. A former journalist turned career coach, Katie’s day job helping job hunters create strong LinkedIn profiles has taught her that not everyone is up for owning their age. She created A Certain Age to shift the dated narrative that aging makes you irrelevant.

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