Passion and Purpose with Celia Visconti

Passion and Purpose with Celia Visconti


Join Joyce & Celia Rao Visconti, Chief Brand Officer of The Pro Age Woman, for a casual conversation you can walk to. Celia lets us in on what it's like to work in the fashion industry, and why she decided to make a shift from fashion to creating a platform for the fabulous-over 50-modern day woman. Joyce and Celia discuss the most important thing we as women can do to change the narrative about women and aging, and why we should embrace our authentic selves.

About Celia

As a C-level marketing executive, Celia has had the privilege of working with world class fashion and retail brands throughout her career. She came up the marketing ladder through advertising and pivoted into global brand building, brand expansions, e-commerce and digital marketing.

Connect with Celia


