9 Surprising Symptoms Made Better by Walking

Jittery nerves, that afternoon slump, the inability to sleep despite feeling so exhausted. Sadness. Frustration. Overwhelm. The list can go on and on. These symptoms are all-too-common and can really wreak havoc on your life, but if you’re looking for a simple and accessible way to improve your overall well-being, the answer may be as straightforward as taking a walk. In fact, there are many symptoms you might have experienced that can be alleviated with commitment to a regular walking practice. In this article, you’ll learn how nine common symptoms can be made better with walking.

  1. Anxiety: Anxiety can come out of nowhere, leaving you feeling helpless, but the act of walking can calm frayed nerves and an elevated heart rate. As little as 10 minutes walking and breathing in fresh air helps you regain your focus and reset your mind, plus it fires up your happiness hormones, which does wonders for putting anxiety at bay. 

  2. Depression: Walking can help with lessening depression because of the combination of multiple factors: the triggering of endorphins, reducing stress, boosting your mood, and the serenity of being in nature. It all plays a part in helping battle depression, though you may want to talk to a doctor if your depression lingers or keeps you from being able to live your life.

  3. Insomnia: There is evidence that exercise, like walking, can help you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep. Going outside during the day for a walk helps set your body’s circadian rhythm, so when it’s time to call it a night, your body will be able to settle in for a good night’s sleep. 

  4. Loneliness: Walking is an activity that you can do with others, whether you’re shoulder-to-shoulder or on the phone. The increased oxygen and blood flow helps you communicate more clearly and listen better. The result? A connection with others that can help end the feeling of loneliness.

  5. Stress: Feeling stressed is almost inevitable and can increase the level of the stress-hormone cortisol, but taking the time to walk and breathe in fresh air can have the counter effect. Not only does walking reduce cortisol, but it’s an all-natural mood booster, leaving you feeling happier! 

  6. High blood pressure: Regular and consistent exercise, like walking, has been found to reduce high blood pressure and helps you sustain the benefits over time. It’s even found that shorter bursts of activity for women—like a 3-10-minute walk multiple times a day—can help you maintain lower blood pressure throughout the day and into the days following.

  7. Memory loss: Walking has been shown to increase the size of the hippocampus, the section of the brain important to learning and memory. With this size increase, seniors have been able to maintain their memory and experience less cognitive decline which helps to prevent dementia.

  8. Weight gain: Walking is a great way to burn calories, but it can also help offset genetic tendencies towards obesity. According to a Harvard study, one hour of walking a day can reduce these influences by half. Another study showed light-sensitive proteins on your fat cells can detect sunlight, and too little natural light can alter how these fat cells behave. The result? Higher sunlight exposure may suppress your appetite, helping to prevent obesity.

  9. Low energy: Ever notice that, even if you start out feeling tired, you end a walk with more energy than you started? Getting in a walk can help you put a zing in your otherwise zapped energy. Sounds like a great way to turn around that afternoon slump without the caffeine.

The next time you’re scratching your head and wondering why you feel a certain way, go ahead and lace up your shoes and go for a walk. You just might find yourself feeling better, thinking more clearly, and healthier—in mind, mood and body—with this great form of exercise.

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