8 Reasons Walking Can Help You Lose Weight

I woke up my sophomore year of college to discover two seemingly unrelated issues. First, I had gained not just the freshman fifteen, but more like the freshman thirty, and I’m barely 5’3”. I blame dorm food and a steady stream of 11:00 p.m. pizza runs. Second, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or even who I really was. I felt like I was constantly in reaction mode, and between classes, homework, and living with dozens of people on the 8th floor of Denton 8 (my dorm), well, the picture wasn’t pretty.

So I started walking. Almost every day, in the late afternoon, I would lace up my sneakers and walk clear to the other side of campus and back—a walk that took me close to an hour. During those hours, my mind cleared and, bit by bit, the weight came off until I once again began to recognize myself and my body.

While weight loss is a tricky, tricky beast, a regular walking practice can be hugely beneficial. Here are eight reasons why:

  1. It’s a Great Calorie-Burner: Simply put, lacing up your sneakers and heading out for a walk burns calories. And, though weight loss can be a bit more complex, as a general rule more calories out means more weight lost.

  2. It’s Good For the Mind: Chronic stress has been linked to weight gain and walking has been proven—time and time again—to reduce stress. Less stress, less stress eating, less of the stress hormone cortisol, all of which can help you kick unhealthy cravings to the curb.

  3. It Can Be Done Anywhere: Whether inside or outside, in your hometown or traveling, walking can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. It's a practical way to increase your physical activity pretty much anytime, any place and without any special equipment or pricey gym membership.

  4. It’s Good for the Heart: A healthy heart contributes to a healthy body, and walking is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health. Giving your heart rate a workout promotes better blood circulation, which helps to keep your metabolism humming. 

  5. It Boosts Metabolism: Wanna speed up your metabolism so you can burn more calories, even while at rest? A regular walking practice will help. 

  6. It’s Easy to Maintain Consistency: To lose weight, you need to be active consistently, and because walking is achievable for most people, it’s a great way to stay consistent over a longer term, leading to better weight management.

  7. It Improves Sleep: Walking outdoors, especially in the morning, can help your body get in tune with your natural daily rhythms and help you fall asleep more quickly and improve your sleep quality. More sleep equals more energy to be active, and it also helps keep your cortisol levels in check. Higher levels of cortisol can result in weight gain.

  8. It’s Fun and Can Be Done with Others: Walking with others is not just good for your spirit, but also for your body. Having a buddy with which to stay accountable can keep you showing up and staying active … together!

Combined with a healthy and balanced diet, walking can help you lose weight and keep it off. As always, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting any weight loss program to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and health conditions.

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