Defy Gravity

What holds you back from being the person you most want to be? What keeps you from living the life you most want to live? For members of the 99 Walks Pack, the answers echoed loudly:

  • Fear, and the voice of my parents saying “be careful.”

  • Not enough time in my week, in my day, for all that I want to accomplish and still be a good daughter, partner, and friend.

  • Self-doubt is my biggest barrier to self-actualization and leads me to being stuck.

  • The struggle between the cost of everything and wanting to save and spend wisely, but also to live in the moment.

  • Anger at the physical changes in my body, and having to redefine my normal.

  • Lack of self-confidence and thinking I’m not good enough, or can’t be myself for people to like me.

  • Distractions that seem to be important in the moment, but truthfully aren’t.

  • Anxiety and worry causing me to overthink everything.

  • Lack of boundaries and trying to do too much for everyone else.

Procrastination, self-sabotage, regret, impostor syndrome, chronic pain, impatience, fear of failure, fear of success….the list goes on and on, and all of it is relatable. You are not alone.

The one thing that all of these sentiments have in common is the emotional weight they add to your life. The metaphorical gravity that pulls you down and keeps you stuck. But, here’s the thing. You have to defy that force. Scratch that. With the right mindset, you can Defy Gravity.

Where you find yourself right at this moment is not where your story stops. The moment you realize what is holding you back is the moment where you can write your next chapter. You can keep learning new things and never stop taking on new challenges. You can persevere through the obstacles. You can learn to not settle for good enough. You can remember that you are worth it.

This month, we are going to step away from the things holding us back. We are going to move forward and push through our fears, reaching deep into our inner strength. Let’s release the weight from our souls. And let’s fly. Let’s Defy Gravity.

Just think of what we can do. Together.

99 Walks is dedicated to helping women feel their best, both mentally and physically, through the simple act of walking. Join thousands of women who are walking for exercise and weight loss using a walking tracker and supported by a community of women who understand the challenges for maintaining and staying motivated in a workout program. The intentional walking practice designed by 99 Walks has helped thousands of people get healthier and achieve their goals, and earn an inspirational bracelet reward each month. Join today for just $9!