How Music Fuels Your Footsteps

Picture it. You’re walking down the dairy aisle in the grocery store, minding your own business trying to find your favorite brand of Greek yogurt when a song comes on the loudspeaker. Instantly transported to a past moment, your toe starts tapping and you start humming along. Suddenly, your mundane task is a little more fun and you’re smiling as you work your way through your shopping list doing your one-man shopping cart jam through the store. Ah, the power of music. 

Now, take those tunes on a walk with you and you just might find yourself with a little extra momentum to crush your goals. Why is music such a great tool to fuel your footsteps? Here are a few reasons:

  1. The rhythm is gonna get you: Music has a beat that you can move to. This rhythm helps you synchronize your movements and makes exercise more enjoyable.

  2. Tap into the tempo: The tempo of music can influence the intensity of exercise. Faster music can make you want to move faster and work harder, while slower music can help you relax and recover.

  3. Forget about it: Music can be a great distraction from the physical discomfort of exercise by taking your mind off fatigue, boredom, or discomfort, and help you push through your walk.

  4. Cue the happiness hormones: Music has the power to alter your mood by triggering the happiness hormone dopamine, making you feel more positive and energized. This can help you feel more motivated to keep going.

And there’s research to back it up. According to this study from Psychology of Sport and Exercise, music helps increase motivation, enhances enjoyment, and elevates your heart rate and peak power output. Simply stated…music gets you up and moving! In fact, as reported by, 93% of people say that music makes or breaks a workout.

But music doesn’t just affect you when you are already out on a walk or doing any form of physical activity. It plays a big role in getting you pumped up and ready to go. In the white paper The ABC of Music in Exercise: Affect, Behavior, and Cognition,, Professor Costas I. Karageorghis PhD writes that music can actually change your mind. “Pre-task” music with lyrics that provide affirmation and empowerment help to motivate and feed into mental preparation.  

With modern-day technology like Spotify and iTunes, it’s easier than ever to build your perfect playlist. From inspiring lyrics, to upbeat vibes, to soothing sounds, you can assemble just the right mix to keep you in the zone. If you’re looking for a way to get started, make a list of your favorite songs and think about how they make you feel. Start your playlist with songs with a moderate beat that make you smile, and build to those that make you want to twirl around the floor and dance! Round out your playlist with those songs that allow you to slow down, focus on your breath, and honor the hard work you just did. 

Want an even easier option to get your music flowing? Check out 99 Walks on Spotify for playlists curated with each month’s inspirational theme in mind!

There’s no right or wrong answer to what music fuels your footsteps. Just listen to your heart, pay attention to how your mind and body responds, step into the rhythm and get moving. Oh, and if you find yourself dancing in the street, go right ahead. We just might join you.

99 Walks is dedicated to helping women feel their best, both mentally and physically, through the simple act of walking. Join thousands of women who are walking for exercise and weight loss using a walking tracker and supported by a community of women who understand the challenges for maintaining and staying motivated in a workout program. The intentional walking practice designed by 99 Walks has helped thousands of people get healthier and achieve their goals, and earn an inspirational bracelet reward each month. Join today for just $9!