Let's Go Play

It seems I’m always suggesting to my kids that they go play. Now in their pre-teens and teens, they get so caught up in their screens that hours can go by without even noticing. But I find I’m no better. There’s always something to do. A deadline to meet. A chore to tackle. An errand to run. Before I know it, I've spent my whole day “getting things done” and little time finding ways to restore my energy and spirit.

Starting practically at birth, children are engaged through play. With colorful rattles to shake, building blocks to stack and knock over, and balls to roll, bounce, catch and throw, their development comes through play. It’s a way to improve their physical, cognitive and social skills, and learn about themselves and others. It’s how they learn to communicate and build relationships. Play teaches them the fundamentals of life.

And yet we stop incorporating play into our lives as we get older. Nope, it’s not because we have perfected all of those life skills. We get busier. We switch from the role of playing to one of teaching others the act of play. We forget the value for ourselves. But, even as we age, play is still important. The skills it teaches remain an inherent part of life. Skills that, even as adults, we can continue to improve and learn. 

Now, we’re not suggesting that you join an adult softball team or take on a parkour course (though we’re also not stopping you!), but this month we’re encouraging you to put a little more play into your life. Here’s an idea: when you head out on your next walk, consider ways you can gamify your walk. Maybe by searching for a specific color or object shape (we love looking for hearts!) and snapping a photo when you find it. Perhaps it’s pretending you’re walking a tightrope or splashing in a puddle along your path. Or doing a little twirl when the breeze gives you a gentle push. We’re certainly all in for breaking into a dance when your favorite song comes on your playlist.

And if you see a playground along your path, we totally give you permission to jump on the swings, slide down a slide, or grab a friend and bounce up and down on the teeter totter.

In those moments, we’re willing to bet you’ll have a smile on your face and laughter in your heart. All from taking a moment to play. This month, don’t let the kids have all the fun. Put aside the to-do list, leave the laundry and dishes, log off of social media, and let’s go play.

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