What to Do with an Extra Hour of Evening Daylight

We may be springing forward into daylight savings time this Sunday, but we’re not focusing on the one hour we’re losing. Nope, we’re focusing on the one hour we’re gaining in the evening. For many, it will be the first time in months that you’ve driven home from work in the daylight. Or the first time in a while you’ve been able to sit down for dinner without turning on the lights. Or, maybe it’s the first time lately that you didn’t wonder if you should be getting ready for bed at 6:00 p.m. Just us? We didn’t think so.

We asked the 99 Walks HQ team to share what they’re looking for with an extra hour of evening daylight, and here’s what they said;

“I cannot wait for an extra hour of daylight!! I love taking walks right after dinner with my family, but here in New England it can be hard with the sun setting so early in the winter for us all to walk safely. I also love to take solo walks after my young kiddos get in bed - a little extra “me time” is just what I need.” —Jenny, 99 Walks Coach

“For years, I have been trying to create an after-dinner walking habit. I even talked about it in a recent Weekly Walk podcast. So yup ... add me to the list of people who plan to use that extra, fantastic, found hour to finally build the after-dinner walking habit I know I need!” —Joyce, 99 Walks Pack Leader

“With an extra hour of daylight I plan on being able to grill dinner outdoors without using a headlamp!” —Eric, Co-founder and Coach

“With an extra hour of daylight, I plan to start my garden! I love playing in the dirt and planting pretty flowers, fruits, and veggies.” —Megan, Director of Product

“With my extra hour of daylight in the evenings I plan to ditch the dirty dinner dishes and take a walk with my family. The dishes can wait until it's dark!” —Jamie, Director of Community

“With an extra hour of daylight, I will use it hiking, being outside, and being present in the beauty around me.” —Jillie, Coach

“With an extra hour of daylight I plan to spend more time outdoors. I get in such a rush when it gets dark early in the evenings. Some days, by the time the kids are home from school and dinner is made, I realize I've been in the house all day. It will be nice to have the extra time to get out and enjoy a walk or just a sit on the porch.” —Jessica, Social Media Manager

“We have a lovely covered patio in our backyard and outdoor dining table that doesn’t get as much use during the winter months. But with the extended daylight in the evenings, we’ll be able to dine al fresco for dinner more frequently. I’m not sure why, but food always tastes better outdoors!” —Erin, Content Manager

”With my extra hour of daylight in the evenings, I plan to wear my Jetti Pack and head out for a solo walk around the neighborhood! No pup, no kids or hubby; just me and the beautiful sunset.” —Martine, Coach

What will you do with your extra hour of evening daylight? Be inspired by one of our plans, or create your own. Just be certain of one thing—take the time to turn your face toward the sun and enjoy one more glorious hour of daylight each day.

Join thousands of women who are leveling up their mental and physical health with the power of walking. Through the 99 Walks app, plus products and classes from Jetti Fitness, women are gaining the strength they desire to keep their bodies functioning, reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, losing weight, and becoming happier. Join today for just $9!