Love Above

Written by Erin Stolle, 99 Walks & Jetti Fitness Content Manager

The other night, while sitting at the dinner table, I recalled a parent cue I had read in an email earlier that day as a way of inviting conversation and connection within our busy family. “What is the wisest thing anyone has said to you?” I asked my family of four, and then gave the topic a moment to settle in. The table fell quiet, and I pleadingly looked at my husband.

“There is a reason people have two ears but only one mouth. Listen more,” he said.

“Stop expecting you from people,” I shared.

“Don’t squat with yer spurs on,” my youngest son joked, followed by several other examples of 12-year-old boy humor.

We all turned to my 16-year-old son, waiting for his answer. He looked at us thoughtfully and confessed he didn’t have a piece of wisdom to contribute, but he did have something to share. Something he had read that impacted his way of thinking and stayed on his heart. His voice was both reserved and reflective when he said “Help others without your privilege.”

I looked at my son and my heart swelled. I literally had to take a moment to sit in the proud mama moment I was having after hearing my son say those words. The fact that my teenager was considering how others might experience life and put them before himself was truly beautiful.

As I think about this month’s theme, so much of the wisdom we discussed at dinner that night applied. Love above your own interests by listening more and talking less. Love above by respecting people for who they are, no matter if they think like you or not. Love above your own expectations when people do things differently (though I’d still suggest you remove your spurs). Love above your own goals and wishes and become an ally to those who may not have the same privileges as you.

And through our effort to love above in regards to others, do not forget to give yourself the same courtesy. We are all a work in progress and doing our best, but there will always be times when we need to see our imperfections and struggles and love ourselves above them all. Because of them all.

Join us this month as we Love Above.

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