What If...

At 99 Walks, we talk a lot about our whirlwind. The getting caught up in the to-dos that often rule our days. Sometimes, okay maybe oftentimes, we get to the end of the day and try to figure out what we actually accomplished. Because when you don’t define that key “thing” that you want to make happen, well, it likely just won’t happen. 

But, what if…

What if you stop and identify what truly matters? Considering “what if” is about two things. First, figuring out how to complete the sentence. And then, figuring out how to take the steps (pun intended) toward making it a reality. Both require thought, patience and space for your mind to wander. 

This month, we focus on the first part.

What is your “what if?” Take a moment to let your mind go, untethered, to see where it leads you. For us, this is when we head out for a walk as that’s when our minds can wander while our feet guide us. Thinking through your “what if” is your chance to daydream. To consider unlimited possibilities, and allow yourself time to explore it all and soak it all in.

And when those thoughts come to you and you find a smile slowly forming, grab a pen and paper and write it down. (Or if you’re out walking, record a note on your phone.) Just don’t let it go. Then sit with it, journal about it, and let your potential grow. We bet you’ll soon discover a new spark to guide you.

Here’s a challenge—we know you love a challenge—create a “What If” journal and identify one “what if” each morning. Or, dig deeper into one of your earlier “what ifs” and sink into why it’s important to you.  

Trust us, there’s time for the nitty gritty, goal planning, and get stuff done mentality. Just not yet. What’s important here is that you take the first step toward your truth. And it all begins with two little words. What if…

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, lose weight, and stay active, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational virtual walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

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