9 Ways to Relax

What’s your go-to for getting your relaxation on? Or do you even have one? Sometimes, we convince ourselves that if we can’t manage an entire spa day, then why bother? But making time to relax doesn’t have to consume an entire day. In just a few minutes, you can find ways to unwind and rejuvenate your spirit, and to show you just how easy it can be, we’ve put together our nine favorite ways to relax.

  1. Take a walk. This just might be our favorite. Because, well, walking truly is magic. If you let yourself wander, and take the time to be fully present in your surroundings, you better believe you’re gonna feel your body relax. And what makes this so effective is that it doesn’t matter how long you have to walk. Even just a few minutes will make a difference.

  2. Snuggle up with a good book. A cozy chair or maybe a shade tree are the perfect places to curl up with a book. There’s nothing like getting lost in a good story to help take your mind off of everything else going on around you. Click here for a list of favorite books from the 99 Walks HQ team.

  3. Take a nap. Have a favorite blanket? Grab it, draw the curtains, and stretch out for a few mid-afternoon zzzzz’s. Not only will you wake up feeling refreshed, but we expect you’ll feel pretty at ease, too! Click here to read about the value of a power nap.

  4. Stretch your body. Don’t believe us? Bend over and reach for your toes. Hold it for 20 seconds. Now gently stretch your neck, 20 seconds to one side, and then 20 seconds to the other side. Roll your shoulders back 8 times, and then forward 8 times. You already feel better, don’t you? What if you took 5 minutes every day to stretch your body? Find what feels good for you and you’re sure to feel your body say “ahhh.”

  5. Focus on your breathing. Breathe in-2-3-4-5, hold-2-3-4-5, breathe out-2-3-4-5. You feel it? Now do it again. And again. And as many times as it takes to feel the tension melt away. Take a few minutes and watch this video on Mindful Breathing with Coach Jillie to get all the tips on calming your body with intentional breath. Kudos to you for working this practice into your day whenever you need to settle those nerves.

  6. Smile. Stop for a moment and smile. We’ll wait. There. Did you notice your shoulders dropping down from your ears? Your breathing getting deeper? Your mood brightening? Yeah, a smile can do that.

  7. Take in a favorite tv show or movie. Though too many screens often add more stress to our lives, sometimes a well-loved show or movie can help turn our frown upside down. And like a good book, it can help get your mind off of anything bothering you. Just don’t overdo it!

  8. Listen to soothing music. The melodic hum of a violin, mellow croon of a French horn, or even gentle sound of wind-swept chimes brings a sense of peace and relaxation to many situations. Find a composer that moves you, or sway to the simple sounds found in nature for restorative purposes.

  9. Go for a massage. It could be as simple as a foot rub by a loved one, or you can go all-out with a full-body massage from a professional. But something about massaging tired muscles is an instant body relaxer. Just make sure you don’t plan anything after so you can enjoy that post-spa feeling all day long.

Have a favorite? Have at it. Put aside the busy and take some much needed time to kick back and unwind.

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