9 Non-Scale Victories Worth Celebrating

It’s easy to get caught up on a number. An often unrealistic measurement that you tell yourself you need to reach in order to show progress toward a weight loss goal. But it’s time to put that marker aside, and focus on other—often more valuable—signs of change. As you build your intentional walking practice, whether for exercise, mental health, or weight loss, consider the following nine non-scale victories that we think are pretty awesome, and definitely worth a little happy dance.

  1. You’re sleeping better. When your head hits the pillow at the end of the day and you’re out like a light, sleeping more soundly for longer periods, and waking up refreshed, it’s time to celebrate! Walking has been shown to help your body regulate circadian rhythms to tell your body when it’s time to be active and when it’s time to rest. 

  2. Your clothes fit better. Did that pair of jeans just slide on a little more easily? Perhaps the only muffin top you’re noticing is at the bakery? Yep, a consistent walking practice can help you burn more calories, reduce food cravings, and help you get to and maintain a healthy weight.

  3. Your anxiety has lessened. You may notice you’re breathing a little easier and letting go of your worries, an achievement that we can all get behind! If you hadn’t realized it, walking is a great way to clear and calm your mind so you can focus on what’s important.

  4. You’re able to walk further and faster. Remember the day when a walk around the block was daunting? Look at you now, increasing your pace and endurance with each and every step. Keeping up with the kids or grandkids a bit more easily!

  5. You’re able to recover faster after setbacks and injuries. We get sick. We tweak that knee. Or even need to have surgery. But having maintained a consistent level of physical and mental exercise before the setback, your body is able to bounce back to a more normal level faster than if you had been inactive. Score one for staying active!

  6. You have more energy. Is there a little more pep in your step? Perhaps that mid-afternoon slump isn’t quite as noticeable? Walking for exercise is shown to increase energy levels by 20 percent! Take that, fatigue!

  7. You’re happier. Have you noticed? You’re smiling more. And our guess is that that smile is tied to a better mood. You guessed it. Your walks have fired up those happiness hormones—dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins—for the best natural mood booster out there!

  8. You’re focusing more on the positive. It’s easy to get drawn into the negative with everything going on around you, but taking a walk, especially in nature, helps connect you to a feeling of awe—a reminder that we’re connected with something larger than ourselves. People who experience awe tend to be more curious, open to new ideas and engaged with others and with the world around them. Pretty awe-some, isn’t it?

  9. You handle conflict better. This is one that may be easy to miss, but think about the last time someone upset you. Maybe it was your kiddo who for the hundredth time didn’t bring his cereal bowl to the sink, or a colleague who disagreed with the way you handled something. Did you yell or get defensive? Or did you take a breath and find a better approach to address the issue? Our guess is the latter. Well done.

Are you walking for weight loss? Great. Keep going. But, it’s time to step away from that scale and take note of how you may have changed in other ways. And we’re here to bet that your smile will grow even wider when you do. 

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational virtual walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

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