Set Your Course

Let’s say you are setting sail on a big and epic journey—crossing the Atlantic from England to New York. In a sailboat. Before you set sail, you precisely target your destination and carefully plot your course. Yet you know that it is more likely than not that you will face storms along the way and that those storms will pull you off course. They will force you to reset your headings and readjust your sails. 

Knowing those storms are likely to come, do you set out without bothering to identify your destination or set your course? Of course not. That would be insane. 

That’s how we need to live, now more than ever. We need to choose our destination and chart our course. And when the storms come, and they will, we need to be ready to batten down hatches and adjust the sails as needed. Because, as Yogi Berra put it, “if you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”

So what’s the first step to setting your course? Allowing yourself to dream and truly envisioning what makes your heart sing. Then saying your dream out loud, and planning it out. One step at a time.

And as you set sail, remember that it’s the intentional working of your plan, little by little, that will get you to your destination, sails intact.

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