What We've Learned from 99 Walks Pack Leader Joyce Shulman

Today, we honor the lady who took the chance to dream big and turn that dream into a movement that has changed thousands upon thousands of lives. Shout out to our inspiring 99 Walks Pack Leader Joyce Shulman on this "Boss's Day." We couldn't be more grateful for her vision and leadership.

Whether you tune into her daily Facebook lives, have read her book Walk Your Way to Better: 99 Walks That Will Change Your Life or have had the privilege to work with her directly, there’s no doubt that something she’s said or the way she’s lived her life has stuck with you. Our team couldn’t think of a better way to honor her than to share what we have learned from her.

Joyce has taught me to be more comfortable in being out of my comfort zone.” —Kris

What I've learned from Joyce is what it means to lead by example, progress over perfection, and the type of leader I hope to be. Also that true love and partnership is possible.” —Jillie

For me, the biggest thing I’ve learned from Joyce since working here is to keep dreaming. To keep looking for the next thing to elevate, the next thing to make bigger. Don't dream little dreams. Think big and work towards those big dreams.” —Katelyn

I've worked with Joyce for the past decade, so picking just one thing I've learned is hard but here it goes. Joyce has taught me the importance of asking for help. It's okay to not know how to do something. It's okay to not understand something. And it's okay to not be able to do it all yourself. What's not okay is pretending you're fine when you're not. Speak up. Ask questions. And always be someone who is willing to learn new things. Oh, and Joyce has also taught me to re-read everything I write and cut it down by 20%. lol” —Jamie

Joyce is such an incredible leader, it's been an honor to work with and get to know her! What I've learned from Joyce over the past few years is to do the THING you want to do even though you're scared. If it works out, AWESOME! If not, at least you tried. This mindset helps me break out of my comfort zone and remove all self sabotaging mindset. You're the best boss, Joyce!!” —Martine

I have learned that making personal connections is so important in business—with clients and colleagues. It creates a sense of joy, so that “work” does not have to always feel like ‘work.’” —Jenny

“I have to admit that I think of Joyce every time I pick up that literal dustball, but one thing I value most from working with her is to believe in myself and what I have to offer. She’s helped me recognize some talents that I had suppressed and given me the confidence to embrace and nurture those talents. The result? More fulfillment in my life.” —Erin

“I’ve learned to always speak up and share even 'The Worst Idea Ever' ...because they are more often than not the kickoff to some of the best and most creative brainstorms, ideas and solutions.” —Carrie

Joyce, thanks for all you do. We’re grateful to not only have you to lead us in this journey, but also to call you our friend.