9 Ways to Upgrade Your Walking Practice in 2022

A new year! A fresh slate! It’s the perfect time to commit to taking your fitness routine to the next level and a consistent, intentional walking practice is the first step. Here are nine ways to elevate your walking practice in 2022.

  1. Set A Goldilocks Goal: The first step in goal crushing is goal setting, because if you don’t know where you’re going, you are going to have a really, really hard time getting there. You need a target, a goal, a North Star. Goal setting is an art. Set your goal too high and you set yourself up for disappointment. Set it too low and you’ll accomplish it too easily, which isn’t always a bad thing but means that you left something on the table and robbed yourself of the sense of accomplishment that comes from accomplishing something challenging. The objective? Set a goal that is just right. Be the Goldilocks of goal setting. Click here to read how!

  2. Celebrate every walk: You may often find yourself in a go-go-go mentality, causing you to miss the chance to celebrate. When you slow down and take stock of what you and your body have accomplished, when you notice how you are getting stronger every day, you can fully appreciate and celebrate your successes. Being more present and mindful will help you recognize the little goals that give you the drive to get to your big goal.

  3. Don the right gear: The right clothing can make all the difference, both in comfort and how you feel when your feet hit the street, so take the time to consider what you’re wearing. Is it cold outside? Consider an extra layer. Is the temperature climbing? Make sure your clothes are ready to wick away moisture. Are your shoes meant for walking? Nothing beats the perfect pair of sneakers to support you and provide the stability you need. Take a look from head to toe and ask yourself, am I properly geared up? Click here for what to wear for winter walking, and here for ways to stay safe while walking in the sun.

  4. Phone a friend: There’s nothing like a good talk with a friend to pass the time and build up that connection. But they don’t have to be next door to go with you on a walk. Find a friend with whom to join forces and schedule a regular “walk and talk” over the phone. Sticking to both of your fitness goals will be a breeze, and we’re willing to bet your relationship will strengthen, along with your body! 

  5. Choose a good book: Get lost in the audio with the perfect playlist or audiobook to grab your attention. Step up this tactic by only allowing yourself to listen to a favorite while on a walk!

  6. Add some resistance: Grab a pair of fitness poles, like Jetti Poles, to transform your walk into a full-body workout! Not only will you burn more calories, but you’ll also reduce stress on your joints, increase your stability, and work more muscles, including your arms, chest, back and abs.

  7. Focus on gratitude: When you walk in gratitude, you’re certain to find beauty in the small moments and really connect with where you are and those who are important to you. You just might find a shift in your perspective and fire up those happiness hormones to keep you seeing the bright side of things long after your walk. Click here for more reasons to take a gratitude walk.

  8. Look for the awe: It’s easy to miss the beauty around us as you travel the same streets, see the same people, and do the same activities day after day. But if you really stop to look for the awe, you may just realize how much there is for which to be grateful. Awe has the power to both make you feel small in the grand scheme of the universe, while at the same time, helping you feel connected to something larger than yourself. This paradox is a cornerstone of feelings of awe, reducing stress and inflammation, and increasing joy.

  9. Stretch it out: The perfect ending to an intentional walk is a good stretch. You’ve just worked your joints and muscles, and giving them the chance to cool down properly will prevent injury. Just a few minutes of mindful stretching will keep you walking your way to a better and healthier you all year long. 

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