Why We Updated Two Core Values

Long before 99 Walks existed, back when it was little more than an idea, a vision and a dream, Eric and I were on vacation with the kids in Colorado. As is usually my way, I was up before the sun and, while the rest of the family slept, I sat down in front of the fireplace with my favorite notebook and began writing 99 core values. These were things I believed in and ideas that I hoped would help guide the creation of this community.

We take these values seriously. The HQ team returns to them time after time and we share them with you each week. They help to inform the decisions we make and the messages we share. And since I first scribbled those 99 Core Values in my notebook more than two years ago, we haven’t changed a word. 

Until now.

After lots and lots (and lots) of discussion, ‘cause we like to consider all the sides, we have decided to make changes to two of 99 Walks’ 99 Core Values. Here they are.

Core Value #11 originally was “Be Obsessively Grateful.” The word obsessively has never been a challenging word or a trigger for me. But I have come to learn that being obsessive about pretty much anything probably isn’t a good thing. Even if it is about gratitude. And there are other ways, perhaps healthier ways, to communicate the idea that we want you to strive to be really, really grateful. Like, wildly grateful. And so there it is: Core Value # 11 has officially been changed to “Be Wildly Grateful.”

Core Value #65 originally was “Work Harder Than They Do” but it was recently pointed out to me that, wow, that sounds super competitive. And we are not about competition. We are about raising each other up. We are about remembering that her success merely makes your success more likely, not less. We are about crossing the finish line together, arms linked and heads held high. You do not ever have to compare your work to her work. In fact, you shouldn’t. And yet it remains a core tenant of 99 Walks that hard work counts and that hard work yields results. And so, Core Value #65 has officially been changed to “Work Hard. Work Harder.” Now, I know that some of us don’t need to be reminded to work harder. In fact, some of us might actually need to be reminded to work a little less hard. But here’s the thing: not every core value is going to resonate with everyone all the time. For instance, Core Value #30 “Eat the Cupcake” is a reminder that it is important to indulge, but that doesn’t mean we should be eating cupcakes on the daily. In the same token, “Work Hard. Work Harder.” must be balanced with rest, recovery and perhaps the occasional cupcake.

So that’s it. This is where we have landed. Will we ever change another? Perhaps one day. But for now, we’re good and hope you find resonance within these 99 thought-starters, ideas and bits of wisdom.

To see a list of all 99 Core Values, click here.

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