Keep Growing

Throughout our lives, we are told to keep going. Don’t quit. Hang in there. One step at a time. Just keep moving forward. And often that is good advice. Forward momentum is fantastic and sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other and do the next thing. It is advice that has gotten me through more difficult times than I can count.

But frequently the magic is not found when you simply keep going, doing the same things, the same way, over and over again. Instead, often the magic is in continuing to learn, explore and discover. The magic is continuing to grow. The magic is in knowing that you can continue to grow.

The “growth mindset” has swept the world of everything from parenting and education to professional development and preschool over the past several years. The concept was first articulated—and the phrase first coined—by researcher Carol Dweck thirty years ago. Dweck had studied the behavior of thousands of children and discovered that those children who believed that they could get smarter were the ones who did the work to achieve more. This reinforced their belief that they could learn and achieve, and then reinforced their willingness to do the work in a positive, self-perpetuating cycle. Conversely, those children who believed that their capabilities and talents were fixed and therefore limited were more likely to get frustrated and give up. 

Putting it another way, the growth mindset is knowing that you have the power to learn, grow and improve, and the research shows that simply holding that belief empowers you to do just that—learn, grow and improve.

Okay sure, some people have more innate talent at some things than other things. If you’re 4’ 11”, a career as a professional women’s basketball player is likely not in your future and if, like me, you can’t carry a tune, opera is probably not where you will make your mark in the world. But pretty much all skills can be developed, all things can be learned and, with enough desire, dedication and grit, most things can be mastered.

This is awesome because evolution has wired the desire to learn into our DNA. That is clear from the little spark of joy we get when we master a new skill, learn a new trick or accomplish a goal. And yet, as adults, we often stop our journey. Perhaps it’s because we were told as children that we weren’t good at something. Perhaps it’s because we believe that, as adults, we are supposed to have the answers. Perhaps it’s because we don’t dedicate time to learning and developing new skills. Perhaps it’s because it’s just hard.

But, the stark truth is that you have the capacity to learn, develop and grow throughout your life. In fact, so essential is it to continue to grow that research shows that people who continue to learn throughout their lives live longer. Yup, learning new skills throughout your life will literally prolong your life.

And don’t get me wrong. Taking that step toward growth—learning something new—is not easy. Sometimes we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. But it’s in that discomfort where the magic really happens. 

So this month, and every month, we need to remember not just to keep going, but to keep growing.

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