Meet Shapa: The Numberless Scale & Personalized Wellness Program

Shapa understands that your health isn’t defined by a number. It’s natural for our weight to fluctuate—you drank too much water, maybe it’s that time of the month, or you’ve been hitting the gym hard—and the number can be off. It can be so demotivating and leave you feeling like you aren’t making any progress. 

Instead of an unhelpful number, Shapa motivates you without judgment or confusion, by providing feedback through the patented Shapa numberless scale and Shapa Color feedback. Plus, Shapa will also keep you on track through daily missions that coach you to fuel yourself with nutritious foods, move your body, and engage in better self-care habits. Together, the Shapa system creates sustainable, long term behavior changes that will transform your body and your health. Let’s break it down.

Shapa Color Feedback
With Shapa, a member sets their own weight goal (which can be the same as set by an RD or healthcare provider), then Shapa provides feedback on progress towards that goal. When you step on the Shapa scale with bare feet, using bioelectric impedance, it can estimate muscle mass, fat mass, visceral fat level, and bone mass. Shapa looks at your trend over the past few days compared to the past few weeks to determine your color and lets you know if the changes you've been making recently are getting you closer to, or farther from, your goal. 

The color feedback is personalized such that Shapa will follow weight trends and confirm it’s a true weight change versus natural weight fluctuation. There are thresholds to move between colors in our patented algorithm and Shapa looks at how your body handles weight change over time. 

Your color will not change daily, but may change once—maybe twice—in a week depending on your overall progress.

Blue = losing weight
Teal = starting to lose weight
Green = maintaining your weight
Light Gray = starting to gain weight
Dark Gray = gaining weight

Shapa Missions 
Habits take time to form and effort to maintain! Shapa works to keep things engaging and meaningful for you. Your Shapa Missions will vary in duration. You may have a one-day mission or a mission that you’ll be working on daily for 14 or 28 days. Remember, building habits takes time! Shapa will help you keep that foundation stable by recommending missions that build on your past successes. Overall, missions allow you to focus on the opportunities within your daily life where seemingly small changes can lead to big results in your health and wellness. You can learn more about Shapa Missions here

Shapa Age
Weight changes and engaging with the Shapa system both impact your Shapa Age. Everyone starts their Shapa health journey with their Shapa Age the same as their actual chronological age. Your Shapa Age takes into account both the age and weight you said you felt your healthiest. You provided this feedback during the initial assessment when first getting started with Shapa. As you make progress towards your weight and health goals you’ll see your Shapa Age change. You can learn more about your Shapa Age here

Shapa Streak
Have you ever stepped on your scale for 30 days in a row? 100 days? How about 1000!? Things are about to change. Shapa is not just a way to measure your progress but it is a daily commitment to your health. Shapa Streak records the amount of days you have consecutively stepped on your Shapa.

Earn Badges
Shapa gives you cool badges as you hit certain milestones. The more you step, the more you earn! Using the behavioral science of incentive design, they’re here for you to showcase your achievements. Work your way up from a newbie to a Shapa master

The Fitness Connection
Shapa integrates with other third party apps and fitness devices including Apple Health, Google Fit, fitbit, Garmin, Polar and Strava.

By syncing your health and activity data, Shapa can better understand your fitness progress, give you more accurate feedback, and award you for milestones attained through your physical activity. Track your progress on daily activity levels within your custom program on the Shapa app. Learn more about our fitness device integrations.

Tracking Progress
Numbers can be useful metrics for setting targets or goals when visualized in the correct way and with the right context so you can feel confident with your progress. We designed a new feedback system that focuses less on numbers, but more on trends and change over time. However, we didn’t abandon numbers entirely. Once you unlock your Progress Review, you’ll see your past and current average weight and relative change in percent body fat. In the Progress Review, you can track your progress on completing missions, weigh-in frequency and streaks, as well as consistency with achieving fitness goals daily.

Whether your goal is to sleep better, eat a bit healthier, move more, build a practice of self-care, or you just want to feel more energy each day, let Shapa be your virtual coach. Shapa focuses your program based on your lifestyle and your goals so you can build healthy habits and achieve lasting results. See the Shapa difference.

Shapa is giving 99Walks members $25 OFF the 12-month plan! Use Code: 99walks at checkout