Dream Catcher

Think back to when you were six. What did you dream you'd be when you "grew up?" An artist? Maybe a veterinarian? Perhaps a ballet dancer? All of the above? Sure, when you were a kid, the sky was the limit. And then you started to focus on making a living instead of living a dream.

At some point, you began to make choices based entirely on what you believed would be best for someone else. You did it out of such a deep well of love that you put our dreams aside and sacrificed your sense of self.

But, you are still entitled to your dreams. Pursuing your dreams is life-affirming, not just to you but to those who you love. Allowing yourself to risk big dreams and challenging yourself to do the work that it will take to make them come true is one of the keys to living fully.

Do you need a reminder as to why? No problem, we’ve got you. Here goes:

You deserve your dreams. You deserve your life. You are worthy of a life that is filled with the things that are most important to you.

Convinced? Good, then let’s begin by thinking about how to align your life with your dreams. And make steady progress toward catching those dreams. 

This month, we are going to take the steps to remembering what it’s like to dream, believing in your dreams, envisioning that dream, saying it out loud, planning the work and working the plan. And, best of all, catching that dream.

Yep, this month, we’re going to be dream catchers. And we’re going to take it one step, one walk, at a time. Together.

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