9 Reasons to Take a Gratitude Walk

Taking a walk has a significant number of health and wellness benefits, but when you combine that walk with gratitude, those benefits multiply. Here are 9 reasons to take a gratitude walk:

  1. You’ll be happier. Along with firing up your happiness hormones, taking a gratitude walk causes you to focus on the good things in your life, which will in turn help you feel happier longer. 

  2. You’ll be more present. If you find yourself just going through the motions, taking a gratitude walk can help bring you back to really connecting with where you are and those who are important to you.

  3. You’ll find beauty in the small things. It’s easy to overlook the little blessings as we travel the same streets, see the same people, and do the same activities day after day. But when you make gratitude a habit, it will become second-nature to discover things for which to be thankful and beauty in places you may have once missed.

  4. You’ll be more optimistic. When you start to recognize the good things in your life, your outlook will change to one that’s more positive, causing you to look on the bright side and the possibilities that abound.

  5. You’ll breathe more deeply. Slowing down to show your appreciation gives you the chance to take a deep breath and savor the sights, smells and sounds of your surroundings. You just might find your lungs expanding and your mind clearing with the increase in oxygen.

  6. You’ll reduce your stress and burnout. Stepping aside from the stressors and walking in gratitude will give your mind a chance to refocus, work through your thoughts, and rejuvenate your spirit.

  7. You’ll shift your perspective. It can be easy to get caught up in the frustrations, but when you practice gratitude, you just might start to see the silver lining that comes with them.

  8. You’ll boost your immune system. It might sound too good to be true, but walking and practicing gratitude can help reduce stress and boost your immune system, improving your ability to fend off viruses and bacteria. 

  9. You’ll sleep better. Walking with gratitude helps ease your mind and allows your body to fall into a circadian rhythm, helping you sleep more contentedly and soundly.

On your next walk, strive to be present, to savor your surroundings and notice the things for which you are grateful along the way. You just might discover a shift in your mind and body—one more thing for which to be truly grateful.

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