Quiet Gratitude

A few years ago, my family and I visited Maine. We ate a ton of lobster (even kissed a few), hiked breathtaking trails in Acadia National Park, took a boat tour to check out the sea life, and crept through the woods in hopes of finding a moose. And though our adventures were incredible, and we saw ten moose out in the wild, my absolute favorite highlight of the trip was the time I sat on the rocky shore staring out at the wide expanse of the ocean before me. It was at that moment when I was quiet with my thoughts. It gave me the chance to sink into the feeling of gratitude that surrounded me, both in my life and the beauty of nature. It was my chance to find quiet gratitude.

Our days often go from zero to a hundred from the moment we wake up. There are chores to be done, people to be fed, work to do, and a million other things on the to-do list. Who has time to stop and be still for even a second? You do. Yep, I’m here to tell you that taking that moment to sit down with a hot cup of coffee or tea sometime during your day and reflecting on the gifts you have in your life is what I would call a “must-do.”

Why is that? Because gratitude is linked to more happiness. It’s a way to connect with positive emotions. It’s a way to remember unforgettable experiences. It’s a way to strengthen relationships.

But why should you look for a quiet moment? In today’s world of so many distractions, it can be easy to miss the little things. The first sip of that cup of tea warming your body. The coziness of your favorite blanket. The gentle snore of the pup at your feet. When you race through life, these moments can pass you by unnoticed, and the chaos in life can take over your mind. And with the holiday season quickly approaching, there’s no better time to put aside the hustle and bustle, slow down and reflect on what’s truly important.

When you sit down in quiet gratitude, your reflection becomes your mindset. And your mindset carries you throughout your day.

And, no, this moment doesn’t have to be in the morning. It doesn’t have to be long. Maybe it’s during lunch, right before bedtime, or when you take your walk. Just find a time that works for you.

For me, when I sit and take a moment to remember that time on the rocky shoreline of Maine, I’m taken back to the cool ocean breeze, the warm sun on my face, and the sounds of seagulls flying overhead. And I'm immediately happy. Because it reminds me of the loved ones I shared that time with, and the opportunities that I get to experience with them. But, most importantly, it reminds me to be still and be grateful.

So this month, sit with us in Quiet Gratitude. 

Contributed by Erin Stolle, 99 Walks Content Manager

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