9 Reasons Why You Should Walk During Menopause

Wondering why you’re up in the middle of the night, your pants fit a bit more snug, and you're snapping a little more frequently at your loved ones? It just might be menopause. Though symptoms may vary, perimenopause (the first stage, which often starts in the 40s and can last 8-10 years) and menopause can bring on changes and challenges that may have you scratching your head and wondering how you’re going to get through the day, not to mention years. One thing that is proven to help, though, is walking. And here are nine reasons why.

  1. Walking helps prevent weight gain. Menopause can cause the loss of muscle mass and gain of fat around your stomach, making you susceptible to a host of health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A regular walking practice can help you be physically active, which can keep your weight at a healthy number and reduce the risk for certain cancers like breast, colon, and uterine cancer.

  2. Walking keeps your bones strong. During menopause, you may experience bone loss that could lead to osteoporosis and fractures, but taking a walk can slow that bone loss, strengthening your body and keeping you safe from falls.

  3. Walking helps you sleep better. You may suddenly find yourself wide awake when everyone around you is catching their Zs, but walking outdoors, especially in the morning, can help your body get in tune with your natural daily rhythms, allowing you to fall asleep more quickly and improve your sleep quality. 

  4. Walking eases joint pain. Getting up from the couch or climbing the stairs might leave your joints feeling achy and stiff during menopause, but walking can help. The Mayo Clinic recommends 150 minutes of low-impact exercise each week to keep your joints limber and help ease the pain.

  5. Walking helps curb anxiety. Feeling a bit more anxious lately? It’s a common symptom of menopause, but the act of walking can calm those frayed nerves and elevated heart rate. As little as 10 minutes breathing in fresh air and walking through the worry does wonders for keeping anxiety at bay.

  6. Walking helps you focus. Brain fog is real, especially during menopause, so try taking a walk. The act of your feet hitting the ground stimulates blood flow, sending oxygen to your brain, which in turn gives you the ability to focus better. The increase in connectivity and coordination of important brain networks improves your cognitive function—your thinking skills—helping you be better at planning, prioritizing, strategizing and multi-tasking.

  7. Walking increases your energy. With the combination of symptoms menopause can throw your way, you might be feeling sluggish. For an extra burst of energy, taking a walk helps not only perk you up, but also increases your energy level. 

  8. Walking combats loneliness and creates connection. You may feel like you’re alone in your struggles through each stage of menopause, but walking with a friend can give you the chance to connect and help each other through this time, causing each of you to feel less lonely. 

  9. Walking makes you happier. Irritability, a short temper, and even depression might be claiming your mindset lately, but if you take a walk, the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases. At the same time, the happy hormones—endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine—increase, acting as an all-natural mood booster.

So next time you find yourself questioning how to make it through the stages of menopause, head out for a walk and remember how you’re giving your body the tools it needs to stay strong, sharp, and thriving. And, especially, know that you don’t have to walk it alone.

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