Why Is It Called 99 Walks?

Sure, we’ve got 99 Core Values. Yup, we celebrate our Pack Members’ 99th walk. And, okay, we once read that spotting the number 99 means it is time to get to work on your life’s purpose and mission. So why are we called 99 Walks? Well, that’s a bit more complicated … and a bit simpler.

We believe—scratch that—we know that an intentional walking practice has the power to transform your life. But not one walk, though one walk is an awesome start (and around here, we celebrate every single step forward). Not five walks, though five walks is a great accomplishment (and around here, we celebrate every single step forward). Not even ten walks, though by then, most people are well on their way to realizing how much better the simple act of lacing up their sneakers and walking out the door makes them feel (and around here, we celebrate … well, you get it).

How many walks does it take before your body craves a walk more than a cup of coffee, thirty minutes of social media or a handful of chocolate chips? How many walks does it take before that one-mile walk, which was so hard on day one, feels easy? How many walks does it take before you stop making excuses or waiting for the weather to be perfect?

We have no idea, because it is different for everyone. While some old lore suggested that it takes 21 days to form a habit, research shows that is not true. Habits are tricky and complicated and fickle. But, experience has shown us that, while people experience tremendous impact from every single walk, it is after 99 walks that the magic happens. That’s when Pack Members say: “I’m the kind of person who walks when I’m stressed,”  “I’m the kind of person who walks to help me process hard things,” “I’m the kind of person who walks to make my heart healthy,” and “I’m the kind of person who walks in the rain.”

99 Walks is when the magic really takes hold. When you recognize the mental and physical health benefits an intentional walk delivers. When you begin to believe in yourself and realize that there are no limits on what you can do, be or achieve, and that your dreams are within your reach. And that you can get there, one intentional step at a time.

Many women struggle with the motivation to get healthy, but it doesn't have to be hard. Join thousands of women who are crushing their goals with 99 Walks, a fun and motivational walking challenge for women. Set your goal, walk your miles and earn an inspirational bracelet.

You'll find all the tools you need to be successful, including a tracking app with an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community to keep you going.

Take your first step towards health and happiness, all through the simple act of walking. Start today with two weeks free.