Living Our Core Values Brings All of Us Closer Together

Living Our Core Values Brings All of Us Closer Together

As a team, we've been reflecting on our Core Values and we have a lot of them. 99 of them to be exact. We needed a lot of them because, well, there is a lot to this community and this journey.

One of our team members recently shared how the 99 Walks Core Values resonate with her as we, as a nation, grapple with our past, our present, and our future.

Here’s what she shared. 

We were meant to live in community with our sisters, aunties, friends, and families around. Now is the perfect time to work together to foster community and connection. (Core Value #59).

When people choose to leave their comfort zone, interact, listen to, serve and befriend someone who doesn't look like them or think like them, they can change the world. (Core Value #61)

It starts with lending a hand (Core Value #60). Give. Reach out. Make friends. Forge connections. Open your heart. Then look for the opportunities to commit acts of kindness and share compassion. And then notice how those acts affect you.

We believe in doing the right thing, even when it’s not the easy thing (Core Value #50). Turning a blind eye to any form of injustice is wrong. It is the cause of deep-rooted pain and is a failure to act in defense of what is true and right. When people speak lovingly of the raw truth of their life experiences, fears, worries and how historical patterns continue today, it is wise to actively listen, strive to understand, check your ego at the door (Core Value #66) and put aside any inclination to defend yourself. Then pause to take a breath (Core Value #67). When it’s your turn to speak, remember that words are powerful and important. Choose them with care. (Core Value #40).

There is value in serving others and getting to know people outside of your comfort zone. You learn from each other (Core Value #21). Strive to learn new things and never, never, never stop taking on new challenges. (Core Value #63)

A true change of heart may take time. We should give ourselves grace. Persevere. (Core Value #56). Maintain honesty at all times (Core Value #48). 

In the end, our efforts will make the world a better place. (Core Value #16).

We invite you to check out the rest of our Core Values HERE. We hope they resonate with you as well and thank you for being part of the 99 Walks Pack.

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