How to Know When to Walk Away

My son is a lot like me. Emotions hit him hard, and at age nine, he hasn’t quite figured out how to control them. He’ll tear up if he fears he’s done something wrong, and melts when I push back on his schoolwork. It comes from a feeling of being overwhelmed and helpless. A feeling of not being sure how to solve a problem. A feeling we have all probably been experiencing lately.

In the past eight weeks, we’ve been forced to change our realities. To adapt to a new way of life, and adjust to a new normal. Some days have come and gone without even a hiccough, but other days have sent us into discomfort and uncertainty, and let’s face it, a different kind of stress. And though all of those feelings are warranted, it may be time to change our reaction. At least once in a while.

When I detect my son is losing his emotional control, I ask him to do one thing. Stop and walk away. Separate himself from the problem, focus on something else, and come back later to the issue of the matter at another time with a clear mind and fresh perspective.

It’s a lesson that I have had to incorporate during quarantine. When I detect myself feeling stressed out, anxious, or overwhelmed, I have to walk away and clear my head. That sometimes means I grab the leash and head out the door with my dog for a mind-clearing walk, or just retreat to a quiet place in the house where I can shut the door for a half an hour.

Or it may mean taking a day off from the responsibilities and obligations that clutter my days and just focusing on myself and my mental health. For me, that could be filled with reading, watching a favorite movie, taking a nap, or baking with my son. It might be writing, practicing the guitar, or painting my toenails. 

When was the last time you walked away? Took some time to recenter yourself? Took some time, maybe a whole day off, with no regrets? Only knowing that you would come back refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges put in your path with a new perspective.

We know that everyone’s life looks different. We’re all dealing with struggles, but we can all find that moment to step away. Inhale. Exhale. And come back stronger.

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