Walk in the Rain: A Fact and a Metaphor

Many months ago, we selected “Walk in the Rain” as the theme for April. We called it “a fact and a metaphor.” Little did we know how incredibly appropriate it would be by the time April rolled around.

Here at 99 Walks, we often say: “we are the kind of people who walk in the rain.” We mean that literally. We don’t let a little rain keep us indoors, keep us from moving forward, or prevent us from getting in our miles or achieving our goal. We know that, in order to walk in the rain comfortably, we need to dress appropriately. We need to be willing to endure a bit of discomfort. Perhaps we’ll need to alter our usual route to avoid muddy spots. Maybe we’ll even need to walk indoors or break out the dusty treadmill. 

And, if we are forced to reschedule a walk because the lightning is flashing and the thunder is booming, we don’t let one rescheduled walk derail us. We don’t say, “I missed a walk, so I might as well give up.”

Yup, we might have to adjust. But we don’t let a little rain stop us.

As for the metaphor, well, it’s almost so obvious, I’m not even sure I need to talk about it. But here goes. “We are the kind of people who walk in the rain” means that we don’t let discomfort stop us. We don’t let inconvenience stop us. When other people, mother nature, our families or the world throw monkey wrenches into our plans, we keep moving forward. We know that sometimes, we need to prepare differently, or alter course or be willing to endure discomfort to accomplish our goals.

We keep going. Because we are the kind of people who walk in the rain. It’s a fact, and a metaphor.