The Connection Between Mindset and Movement

As a follow-up to her guest appearance on The Weekly Walk podcast, we sat down with Nadia Murdock, Mindset and Movement Expert, to delve further into the connection between working on your mind and moving your body. Nadia helps us understand where to start when we’re looking for a change, and more importantly, how to keep going.

  1. Like us, you talk so much about the connection between mindset and movement and I'm curious — which one do you believe needs to come first? Or maybe it doesn't matter since they are so interconnected?

    This is a GREAT question! It really depends on where you are in your journey -- but generally I believe mindset comes first. If you are starting from scratch (no movement or mindset work) then I think you need to work on your mindset first. It really helps to change the perspective on everything you do in your life. If you are someone who is really physically fit, taking a pause to work on your mind while experimenting with more mind and body connection workouts like yoga and barre can really offer a profound shift.

  2. If you could give a woman just one thing to do to start her journey toward wellness, what would it be?

    Just one thing ... Don’t be afraid to put yourself first.

  3. Congratulations on the recent birth of your second child! It is a huge milestone and I know you are being reminded of just how incredibly challenging it can be to not even put yourself first, but to manage to put yourself on the list. How are you managing and can you share a couple of concrete tactics other over-committed mama bears out there can try?

    Thank you so much for the congratulations! I would say make a plan because having something to refer to helps to keep you on track -- but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t stick to it. Also having a supportive tribe professionally and personally has helped to really keep me motivated, calm and sane!

  4. I believe that the mainstream fitness industry has done women a huge disservice by presenting one very narrow image of what fitness and wellness looks like. Do you agree and, assuming you do, how can we, as fitness professionals and women in general help to expand that image to include us all?

    Another fabulous question! Being supportive of all women in the space is so important! If you notice you are only following the same type of women with the same messaging and look, it's time to venture out and seek out new avenues of influence/support. There are a multitude of women who are WOC that are often under-represented and seen. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

  5. You are clearly a super positive person but we all have "those days" and I'm hoping you can share how you manage and push through them.

    Ugh! I try not to dwell in the moment. This approach happened with my mindset shift, huge game changer. I really try to shake it off and remind myself it can always be worse. Also EXERCISE helps produce those happy hormones/endorphins. Hugging my kids helps to bring me back to a place of gratitude.  

Hear more from Nadia in her Walk + Talk with Joyce where you’ll learn the importance of mindset and why we should always be evolving. Nadia also helps us gain insight as to why we need to build our support networks when we are strong, and start evaluating what we want out of life. Click here to listen.

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Nadia Murdock is a nationally recognized fitness coach, published author and regular on-air fitness expert as seen on E! News, Fox,,, and Life & Style just to name a few. She is living proof that her “strong mind, strong body” method works. After changing her life via her own weight loss journey, she achieved creating a healthier lifestyle for her mind and body. She became dedicated to sharing that power with others through her company Nadia Murdock Fit. Nadia has a B.A. in Psychology and taps into the strength and power of the mind when advising others in achieving their fitness goals. She also enjoys all forms of fitness from weightlifting to Barre and never goes a day without breaking a sweat.

With a membership to 99 Walks, you’ll set a personal walking goal for the month then work toward it alongside thousands of other women. 99 Walks will keep you motivated with an app consisting of a walking tracker, an extensive library of walking classes, daily inspiration and a supportive community—plus, you’ll earn an inspirational bracelet when you accomplish your goal! Click here to join the 99 Walks monthly walking challenge!