9 Reasons to Take a Walk After Your Thanksgiving Meal

Sure, Thanksgiving is a time of family and friends, cozy sweaters, holiday shopping and football watching, but it’s also a time for big meals, turkey comas and naps on the couch. And though we love a good nap, this year, kick that drowsy, stuffed feeling to the curb—literally—and go take a walk. Here are 9 reasons why you’ll feel better when you do.

1. Walking aids in digestion. Let’s face it. We’re all probably indulging in a bit more goodies than normal this time of year, but multiple studies have found that a post-meal walk helps with digestion and improves blood sugar levels. And it doesn’t take long. Just a short 15-minute walk is enough to see positive effects.

2. Walking decreases stress. Holiday stress is almost inevitable, but exercise, including walking after a meal, reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increases levels of the feel-good hormones serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. 

3. Walking boosts blood flow. Walking gets your heart pumping which delivers more blood to your muscles, limbs, and organs. And better circulation from moving means a healthier vascular system that is better able to transport the nutrients that allow your bones, muscles, and organs to work more efficiently.

4. Walking bolsters connection. Whether shoulder-to-shoulder or via phone, taking a walk with a loved one increases levels of oxytocin which helps you feel more connected and more in sync. Not only is it meditative, but you just might find that even your teenage son opens up a bit more.

5. Walking promotes better sleep. While you might be tempted to take a nap after your turkey dinner, fighting that urge and taking a brisk walk during the day will actually give your body the signals it needs when it’s time to shut down for the night, allowing you to fall asleep faster, and sleep more deeply when you crawl into bed. You know you’ll be ready for Black Friday shopping after a good night’s sleep!

6. Walking combats Seasonal Affective Disorder. Taking a walk is a great way to combat SAD. In addition to the boost you’ll get from the natural sunlight, for some, regular rhythmic exercise such as walking has been shown to treat mild to moderate seasonal depression as effectively as an antidepressant medication.

7. Walking increases energy levels. Feeling a little sluggish after the big meal? Walking even short distances can increase your energy levels, allowing you to feel more accomplished and less tired for the rest of the day, and help you rock those dirty dishes!

8. Walking helps sharpen focus. Feeling like your mind is all over the place? Studies have found that a brisk walk creates more brain activity, specifically in the areas of the brain responsible for focus and attention, so you’ll be able to concentrate on the moments that truly matter.

9. Walking is beneficial for older generations. Studies have found that walking can provide relief from arthritis, strengthen abdominal and back muscles to decrease chronic back pain, and reduce the risk of developing a physical disability by 41%, helping seniors to maintain their independence and stay in their homes. So grab grandma, grandpa, and great Aunt Sally and take them with you!

So this year, before you sit down to cheer on your favorite team or curl up with a blanket, grab the family and head out for a restorative walk. It just might make up for that third piece of pie. 

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